Esteban & I have started building a cloudbuster β›ˆ


For the last two months, since writing this article, I have been collecting the relevant parts to build a cloudbuster and deal with the ridiculous situation here in France (where it is still illegal to water our plants and even our neighbours are ready to denounce us) in order that we can harmonise the atmosphere and create regular rainfall.

Now that we have begun I can see why so few people do this. It is unavoidably expensive (so far around €450) and also a load of work. All the while bringing up questions like "what the heck am I doing?" and "is this really going to work?". I don't know anyone who has one of these and the only evidence I have for their success are a bunch of people on YouTube. So yes, mentally speaking it is a test.

Beyond this there is something else. Like a dark energy preventing me from moving forward as intended. So many things I don't know where to start. Strikes blocking roads on the days we intended to drive into Perpignan to buy the aluminium tubes. Lack of experience meant having to crush shungite stones (which turned out to be an incredibly difficult job) instead of just buying the pre-crushed powder for a slightly higher price.


Delays in the arrival of metal shavings from Italy. We waited a month for the first package and had to accept it was lost. Second package is on the way they say.

I've even had a headache for the last week which is extremely unusual, like someone turned up the pressure in my mind. It could be the intensity of this full moon of course but it can make me feel more tired than usual and less motivated to move forward with my various ongoing experiments. It's hard enough getting my watering done at first light, in order to avoid anyone getting a clear photo of me. Alas, our garden is on a public footpath and there are people in this village who have let all their plants die and are now on the look-out for those who are still watering.

Black helicopters

Am conscious of the phenomena known as Black Helicopters, described by Mitch the Orgone Donor. He believes that when a person builds one of these devices the relevant government dept is informed and they will arrive in their black helicopters to check it out, often hovering in the sky for hours to observe activity. I've not seen any of these yet but unlike most people I stated my intentions in a public space when I wrote that article a few months ago and if indeed there is a government department who monitor this kind of activity, it is possible they also try to slow its growth with all tricks at their disposal.

These cloudbusters punch holes in the chemical smog, ultimately challenging the geo-engineering agenda and adjustments will need to be made once mine is up and running. Mitch tells us they either spray more chemicals than usual into the sky to try and fill up the hole (testing the efficiency of your machine) or in the case that your machine is of sufficient strength, they stop spraying in that area altogether.

Needless to say, that's what I am aiming for here.

The cloudbuster (also known as a chembuster)

Yesterday we were able to finally begin the building process. My headache was forgotten and there was excitement in the air.


Here is the orgonite pyramid which will sit in the middle of the tubes.


Not sure if I made the right choice going for the cheaper MDF over the chipboard wood. Will need to apply plenty of varnish if I expect this to last through multiple rain storms.


Once the two holders were made we tested it out.


Happy to say everything fitted perfectly.


I have small copper tubes (the old earth battery) which fit neatly inside the aluminium tubes, permitting me to extend the current size, making it a total of 2M in the end. This is useful because it will be easier to transport in two pieces. Unless someone buys this off me (to keep the rain coming in this village) I will take it with me when I leave for greener pastures.

Yesterday I also crushed this quartz cluster I've had in my life for over ten years.


It was the perfect weight (8oz) for the hundreds of small quartz pieces which will be added to the resin mix (along with selenite).

Have been creating aluminium shavings by drilling through found items like this pan.


It is extremely slow going and we need to fill a 10L bucket with aluminium shavings as the main ingredient. Will also be adding copper, brass and steel shavings too.

Now all we have to do is pray for the rest of the stuff to arrive!


And in the meantime I must alleviate this feeling like I am in some kind of weird energetic prison.


Thankfully I now have Wands of Horus, compliments of the amazing @sebcam who bought me these as a gift and sent them over from the US.


Inside these two tubes (copper & zinc) are tiny quartz crystals held in place with resin. Just in the last few days I have started meditating regularly with them for a minimum of 20mins. Need to figure out how to strap them to my hands so that I am also 'charging' at night. My feeling is that everything is happening exactly as the Universe intended and all I have to do is follow the flow using the tools at my disposal.

These wands will correct whatever imbalance there is and set me on my path to all desired goals.

Knowledge is knowing it.

Wisdom is doing it.

Balance is coming and with it the rain.

Love & Light everyone 🌱


Since writing this post I have learned it is not a good idea to use aluminium in orgonite as it has the potential to build up DOR (deadly orgonite) over time, so will be replacing it with iron particles & copper tubes.


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