Hey! It's My Birfday! Been Happy Like It's My Birfday!

What a crazy week it's been - again. Been totally devastated about events in Palestine, sleepless over it, and yet, in the middle of that, a beautiful sunny day amongst a week of cold weather - and it's my birthday. Feeling grateful and sending metta to those in Afghanistan, Palestine, and anywhere else that is suffering violence and colonisation.


I stayed in bed long enough to get a lovely card from my beautiful husband. He always writes the best cards. Then I was off down to the coast for an early surf. The sun was burning off the fog on the way down making for a very beautiful landscape. And yes, that's my postal vote on the dash - Australia votes whether 'whether to change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing a body called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.'


The surf was beautiful and I got six awesome waves before the tide got too high. As I got changed the birthday calls came from my parents and sisters birthday - it's our tradition to call and sing, which is hilarious and makes it feel like a special day.

Then, a delicious takeaway oat chai latte and laying about in sunshine waiting for my son to arrive. I absolutely couldn't believe he was coming down. It's an hour and a half drive and he had to drop his son - my beautiful grandson - off at daycare. I think perhaps he is getting older and realizing Mums are legends and worth celebrating. Especially me.

We had a little surf down the coast which was so much fun. Honestly, it's been so long since we've surfed together and Jarrah just loved it. Then, lunch at a cafe.


After that I was exhausted and had to go home for a nana nap. Before long, Jamie was home and we drove down to Lorne for dinner.

Honestly, sometimes the universe just aligns and creates magic, just for you.

Today was a bloody great birthday. It's possible to feel joy and sorrow all at once. That's what it means to be alive, I guess. Overall, I felt truly happy on the drive home, yet knew that at the same time, it wouldn't last, and that was okay.


With Love,


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