The Only Community That Resonates With Me

As a newbie who's still trying to navigate the waters of the hive. With little knowledge about everything here in the hive. I was at first confused with the different communities that can sit well with my kind of writing. I kept jumping from one community to another, trying to understand what each community offered.

You know trying to navigate this waters alone with help, guide or a mentor can be quite confusing. I took my time trying to understand what really happened here till I made my first post. I just didn't want to make mistakes.

Then, I stumbled upon one community which I've come to love so much, and that's the Ink Well community. I usually like to term it a heaven for creative writers. Not just a heaven, but they also tell us to ignite that passion for creative writing.

They have these weekly fiction writing prompts and creative nonfiction prompts, just like every other community on Hive. But with the Ink Well community, their prompts just fit with me. It helps me soak in the world of storytelling. My imagination is growing beyond what it used to be. Sometimes, while writing these prompts, it feels like I'm creating a world of my own with just mere words.

I learnt to tell non-fictional stories in creative ways through The Ink Well. At first, I thought writing about nonfiction could be boring, but I've come to understand that you can write it in creative ways, making it fun.

They also help you improve more with their constructive feedback and criticism, helping you grow in the world of creative writing. I love how the writers engage in one another's posts, and sometimes share thoughts and support, helping me refine my writing.

I know there are other communities out there that I am willing to explore more and get to understand how they function. I will probably engage more on prompts from other communities, but for now, I feel at home on hive writing for The Inkwell community.

I just feel like it's where my words flow freely like magic and my imagination has no limits.

This is my entry to the prompt on indiaunited. You can join here

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