IUCONTEST- Saving The Enviroment

I've always felt like we as humans and our environment should connect more just the way humans connect with each other. I feel like it's more than just our responsibility to save our environment, it's what we're supposed to do. I don't know the exact words to use to explore what I mean and feel on how or what we owe our environment.

I'll try to explain to the best of my ability.

Nature, in all its worth and kindness, has given us everything we need. Just take a minute to look around you'll see that nature has given us all. From water, food, air, mineral resources, even shelter.

But what were we given in return?

Now that's the question. The question that I know we need to analyze ourselves and answer. What have we given Mother Nature in return for all this? For me, I'll say nothing. We keep falling trees and putting waste in our oceans, and we damage what nature tries to give us. Our actions everyday pollute our environment, the sea, the air, and wildlife.

We're higher animals with a more developed brain than the other animals, but sometimes we forget that if we destroy all that the environment gave us, we won't have any to return to.

So, to save our environment we first need to connect with the environment. We need to stop seeing it as random stuff given to us by nature and start seeing it as what we need to survive. Permit me to say we need to start seeing it as a friend. Because if we can't hurt a friend then, we shouldn't hurt nature. When we throw plastic bags in the oceans, and the fish choke on them, we're hurting nature and our environment.

Not just the seas, we throw plastic bags everywhere and these bags don't decay. But cause more harm to our environment. We need better choices like reusable bags and containers. A small effort by millions of people could mean a lot.

Also, to save our environment, we need to limit deforestation. I do tell people that trees are the lungs of our planet. I don't know how to explain it, but I can recall in biology classes that trees absorb carbon dioxide and give us the oxygen we breathe. Yes, they serve a very good purpose in furniture making, paper and house building. But without them, we lose our cleaner air, and without the forest, the wildlife loses their homes. So how about planting more trees? How about if we cut down a tree and plant two more? Be it in your neighbourhood or your backyard.

To save our environment, we should try more safer and energy-saving means. We're in the era of global warming. We burn Fossil fuels that burn up our ozone layer. What if we switched to safer renewable energy sources like the energy from the sun and even the wind?

Remember we're not just saving the environment for ourselves. We're also saving the environment for our grandkids. A safer environment means a safer world to live in. So, to save the environment, we need to educate our kids, too. Share with them the knowledge that can help protect our environment. So as the grow they will love the environment other than hurt the environment.

It all begins with us. And as I mentioned earlier, a small effort by millions of people could mean a lot. Treat our environment the way we should treat our fellow humans.

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