Ways We Can Safe Our Environment. #iucontest

Hello friends. This is my answer to @indiaunited for the #iucontest prompt which goes thus:

What we can do to safe our environment.

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There are many things we can do to help make our environment safe.

We Should Keep The Environment Clean

Keeping our environment clean is one of the things we can do to make it safe to dwell in. We should sweep around our surroundings. Also we can pack the dirt and dispose them properly. We should avoid dumping refuse incessantly around us. We can make us of waste bins to collect the refuse.

We Should Avoid Disposing Sewage In The Surrounding

Many people in my community dispose their sewage water into the surrounding. Some of them connect the waste water from their houses to the street. That is bad. Connecting waste water to pour out publicly in the streets can be hazardous. It breeds germs and other diseases causing vectors. We should avoid disposing waste water in the streets. There should be proper management procedures for managing sewage. We should have proper drainage and soak away pits in which this waste water is disposed of.

Clearing Bushes Around The Home

We should cut grasses around our homes. There should not be bushes around our homes. Allowing bushes around the home is unhealthy. We should cut the grasses around our homes regularly. The grasses growing around our houses can help in breeding mosquitoes. We should clear bushes in our surroundings.

Clearing Drainage

We should clear drainage. We should not allow debris to accumulate in gutters and run ways. There should be proper drainage so that flooding can be avoided. In my country, we have been having cases of flooding in recent times. The authorities say that the flooding is caused by accumulation of dirt in gutters. When the gutters are blocked, the running water do not see where to flow through. That is what causes flooding.

Taking care of our environment is what we should take serious. We should avoid being contributors to the environment degradation. We should avoid habits that promote environmental hazards. Let us keep our environment safe so that we can live safely.

The dangers of bad environmental practices are numerous. It causes sickness among other things. When we contract sickness, the harm is not what we can play with. This is why we must ensure that we keep our environment clean and safe.

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