Let's Save Our Environment

The current condition of the environment tells much about how human beings manage affairs of the world we inhabit. Sadly, physical space is becoming uninhabitable at a very fast rate, thereby seeking comfort for the current and future generations. To be more precise, it is high time we started to protect our environment in order not to lose it one day.

Many people throw away their trash without considering the consequences in my city. If only this waste were money, we could purchase the whole world. Perhaps due to lack of understanding or plain ignorance, the government and other organizations that have been advocating for proper disposal of wastes continue to be ignored. Well, eliminating waste is everybody’s responsibility, we have to learn to do this all over stepping out of our homes. If people avoid using disposals items like bags, bottles and plates and instead use those that can be washed and used again the amount of waste that is chocked in our environment harming our fellow beings will be greatly reduced.


Another great and easy method of protecting our environment is through planting trees and native plants. Trees provide oxygen, absorb greenhouse gases and hence have a very important role to in supporting human life. I therefore make sure my students as geography teachers understand the importance of planting trees by organizing a nursery whereby the students grow the seedlings in class then take them home to continue taking care of them.

Membership in local and international group/organization that deals with cleaning and protecting the environment is also key to such change. We can also create awareness of these issues and some pressure on others to act this way through joining forces with people like us. The change starts with an individual and that individual could be you.

The key to educate people about the ways of preserving our environment is to share the information. Spreading the knowledge about how sustainable practices work and what negative repercussions occur when environmental resources are exploited only deepens the number of people willing to fight for a healthy planet.

It is a known fact that the sum total of all these minor changes we make towards the protection of our environment may in itself, be capable of making a very big positive difference. This way with synergy and taking actions to preserve our environment we will create a favorable environment for the subsequent generations. Let us therefore each and every one of us do our best to conserve and protect our environment-the only one that we have.

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