How I Came to Know Hive

I never imagined that I would ever belong to the crypto world. I never thought that the concept of digital currency was real to me and honestly it felt like a scam. It was a Hive that my friend used to use in order to give me employment and connect me with other job hoppers like myself.

@etorobong had been talking about Hive to me for months, informing me that it is the place where I could earn money for singing. To begin with, my mind became slightly congested with doubt. This made me wonder how I could make money from something this basic singing. But she kept saying that it was real and one day I had to surrender and decided to try it.


I signed up a Hive and guess what? It was incredibly convenient to use this. I began uploading videos of myself singing and soon I was getting paid for my efforts. Just as I looked at my Reflection Form, I felt and was glad to know that people where actually listening to my music as they voted and/or commented on my creations.

Not only have I been able to make money out of the things that I love most music and dancing but I also met people who were also passionate about these same things. I was able to co-ordinate with other musicians and even learn some new skills that I could apply while practicing music and I was also able to join music challenges that could change my position sometimes.

I soon knew that Hive was more than just a place to earn, but a place where I can also have self-enhancement as an artist. In previous locations there was no safe haven where I could be me and showcase my art to the world regardless of the negative feedback that came with it.

That is why, I can tell without any doubt, that it was the best decision I ever made, to join Hive. This happened to me: It totally altered my opinion about cryptos and made me realize that there is a genuine way to make money online. My friend has brought me here and I am thankful to him for once giving me a shot at something that turned out to be wonderful.

For those who are still skeptical as I used to be about joining the crypto world, I encourage you to join Hive. It may take you to different places, and in turn, open a lot of opportunities for a much brighter future. Believe me you will never be disappointed for having decided to do this.

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