Why is Hive much ahead of other Social Blockchains in the Market today

Hi India United Community,
I have been using #ecency for #hive blockchain for last few months now and today here I will share why I think this #blockchain is much ahead of other social blockchains in the market.


Apart from #hive I have used blurt and I have seen steem blockchain as well but to be honest #hive is much ahead of them and even other projects from #socialfi category.

I have also used #republik but still even that is not close to #hive blockchain when it comes to many things.

Hive has multiple different #frontends one of which is being used by me everyday. #ecency which I think is one of the best frontends for hive. Other blockchains only have a single frontend.

#hive has it's own #decentralized Exchange named #hive-engine and it is also listed on world's top #crypto exchange at the same time. Apart from this #hive has so many games build on it's network which is not seen on other #social blockchains.

Hive has a separate ecosystem of #gamefi projects and I think we all know that #splinterlands is one of the best #web3 #gamefi projects, It is a project which was compared to games like #Axie-Infinity.

I think these are the reasons why this #social-blockchain is operating at different level. I am not against any other projects but the truth is that #hive is currently the #number1 #socialfi projects.


I know at #coingecko it shows something else but the reality is what I shared here. Before I stop writing I must also mention #leo and #threads as well which are again built on #hive network itself.

So #hive is full of #dapps while others are all alone in their #ecosystem.

Thanks for being part of this blog of mine.

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