New Achievements!

Namaste hivers,
I've been long missing on this platform as I've alot on my plate and also there's a tendency that, we need very frequent responses to be active on some platform but I should've understood by now is that this platform takes time and patience to get responses.
Anyways, I'll tell you all about my life of past few months, First things first I got admitted to LLB program that is Bachelor's in Law and also I've also went thru the first semester examination which was alot informative and tough for people those who have a full time job and is a full time house help plus is a mother of two dogs.
It was fun, I'm not complaining, it's the best decision I took in around 2 years and also a step forward towards my career and the love for studying.
That's it for today, I'll keep you posted from now onwards and will also keep you people posted on my recent changes in my lifestyle and some preferences and change in priorities.
Thanks, have a good day guys.




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