Colleague Clash Chronicle

Namaste hivers, I recently read a book "Four Agreements" and in the initial portion of the book, it described how much of a sin gossip is and how it affects the peoples in loop.


One of my colleagues got transferred from my branch to some other one in a different state as her husband lives there and wished to move in with him. So this colleague which I'm talking about was in fued with me from past 1 year and we've been working in the same space for that said tenure.

On her last day, I was having lunch and it suddenly crossed my mind that maybe I should say sorry and congratulate her on her wedding, I hoped on with the plan in no time and we made up to each other right on the same time.
P.S. I still didn't go to her wedding 😄

Coming to our fight, this started when she initially came to our branch and I was feeded thru our office boy that she is quite controlling and alot more was gossiped to me about her personality, which was conceived by that office boy after his experience with her in past years. This gossip genuinely affected my non biased judgment about her personality and left me with some sore moments also I didn't get to learn from her.


Ultimately after this incident I decided to stop being part of this gossip thing, but I instantly regretted it as if I stop doing gossip, what will I do?

Nevertheless will see you later in my next post, be healthy.
All the pictures are captured by me.

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