Raise Your Standards

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing very fine today and that your day is going very well too.


I find pleasure in doing good administration, as this makes me feel fulfilled and happy.

Administration is the process of organising, coordinating, and managing people, things, etc. so as to achieve a set goal. There is no administration without people and a goal, so it is very important to set goals and have people you work with.

I learned administration even before I went to school to study it, so I understood and liked it before that time. I remember that I also practice public administration in the student fellowship as a leader, so it was very easy for me to understand whatever I was taught in the class.

Today I want to talk about a salient principle in public administration, and this principle is known as value.

Value is a standard you set for yourself, and this standard should be known by people too. In any field you are in, you need to give out value to people. Of course we know that value can be paid for, so to get a higher amount of pay, you need to raise your standards so high that the people that are getting this value will not agree with the price you are attaching to your product or services.

Value can be built; if you want to be known for something very good or you want to be paid very high, then you need to work on yourself to the point of having a capacity for high standards.

There are times you need to read or seek mentorship from people who have scaled through what you are doing. These people would teach, and you would also learn from them too. There are some things that people may not tell you how to do, but you just look at them and learn from them, as this would make your success journey very simple.

Public Administration is something that can be learn as its required intelligence and resilience. To manage people for goal achievement, you need to know how to make them listen to you and you need to also know how to make them understand the important of achieving these goals.

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