Interesting Games In Our Traditional Cultural Setting. #iucontest 09

Game time is fun. It is the time for excitement and pleasure. Games make us happy. Whenever we hear about games our joy pops up. I love games equally as I think every other person likes.

I am making this post as entry for the #iucontest round 9. The link to the contest is here

There are several types of games that we play. There are those ones we learned from our village when we were young. We play those types of games when we have done our house chores and completed whatever assignments our parents had assigned us. It was always fun engaging in such games. We play them mostly in the evening when the sun has gone down.

One of such games is running for one person to pursue the others. The person that he is able to catch first will take his position and pursue the others. When one of the team players is caught by the one pursuing, that person will take The responsibility of pursuing others. This was such an interesting game in the village. If you don't know how to run fast, you will always be the one always caught to keep pursuing others.

Another interesting game in the village is hide and seek. Hide and seek is usually played down in the evening when the evening darkness has set in. It was a game where you will learn how to hide from an enemy. The team player searching for others will get to a place appointed. He/she will stay there till others have hid themselves successfully. Then a signal will be made and he will start searching for other team players. The first person found will take turns and search for others.

Another interesting game in our village was the ayo. Ayo has been listed on Google play these days. It is a game where twelve small holes are arranged in two rows of six each. They are arranged adjacent to each other. Each of the twelve holes will carry four stones or seeds. Each player will take turns and pack one hole and distribute the seeds in the other holes in the anticlockwise direction. When he gets to the hole which is empty, he will stop. The other player will take turns. Only two players can play ayo at a time. Every player who has the hole that collects four seeds will pack the seeds. When all the seeds have been packed, the player with the most number of holes will be the winner. Ayo is a very interesting game.

There are several interesting games we play culturally. These are the ones that were my favorite when I was younger. You can also share the games you play in your own cultural setting. I would love to know about them. Thank you for reading my blog.

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