Terracore upgrades and Golem Overlord Quest opening worth something good

Today I have things to share from Golem Overlord as well as terracore. First from terracore I have performed some upgrades due to penalties and so after my stats were upgrade the new stats look something like what you can see in the screenshot below. I have all attacks refilled with the upgrade and that was the main cause of upgrading the things in the game.

I upgraded the following...

Stash size - staked 100 scraps.
Favor - burnt 100 scraps.
Damage - 1 level upgraded with 576 scraps

And old stats can also be found below.

Golem Overlord Quest items

There were two quests that I completed in golem overlord today and they gave some exciting rewards. I sold my vigor that I obtained in the first quest of tier 1 class quest and it was worth 0.3 hive from which I got 0.28 hive after the fees was payed which is 5% of total exchanged value only if you sell the item. When you buy something you don't pay the fees as far as I know.

In the second quest you can see what I got below.

They were not so great, I will probably use them as they are worth pennies and there is no point of selling these items at the market place. It is better to use them instead and try your luck with attacks as they give you some benefit for the attacks you perform on others. They are rare items but still they are not worth much. I have never used these items but will make a blog once I actually use them someday.

Thank you

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