Ideas to promote Hive

Seeing this week contest just make me remember the post of @solominer that I saw a while ago on the ecosystem, and if I am asked personally to speak about "if hive needs a marketing, I think I will support that Hive do not needs promotion or any marketing to achieve it goals, but continuous making of articles from users on difference niche will stand out on the web in the future.

Therefore, the funds that should be used in marketing should be put in other things in the blockchain, dunno, anyway it's just my own view, but if marketing is decided at the end of the day, I am here for Hive, and I will give my support in any way I can, thanks, and that was by the way.

Hive is an amazing platform and we all know about that, they are people who stay active on hive everyday, I am one of those people.

I have been giving attention to TikTok recently and I understood that TikTok is very good to run campaign, so I think the best way to promote Hive is through TikTok, and that will be done in a way that Hive user's creates contents that best describes Hive ecosystem and make a post.

While making sure the hashtags (#hive) is included on all the contents they are going to share, be it video or images.

The people on TikTok took most of the trending posts very serious, especially when it has something to do with selecting who are going to be winners, and before a week of the marketing that will be firstly start by hive users on TikTok, others TikTok users would participate and Hive will be trending on TikTok and even getting to facebook and twitter.

The best part of having this marketing done on TikTok is that, it would really be helpful for hive when most of the contents in the campaign are video contents, because video contents are eyes catchy and also it travels on it own than much texts and images.

Then TikTok is good for short videos, long video contents also trend there, yet we would not make lengthy videos so that viewers get entertained and want to rewatch it over again.

Nevertheless, they are thousands of people already on TikTok readying to joined a contest that's coming out, now adding these numbers of people on TikTok who are ready to join a contest with the participants hiver's who would do anything in supporting the campaign, we can see that we are a force and we have achieved half of the goal already.

Because something is certain, and it is that at the end of the day, some TikTokers will join Hive and create their contents here as well, thereafter, less amount of funds will be spent on the marketing rather than having the campaign run elsewhere.

This is my entry in the @indiaunited contest, "Ideas to promote Hive" participate using this link here. Thank you.

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