It’s been years since I graduated high school, and looking back to the number of years I’ve spent in high school, i realize there were many things I didn’t get to do back then as a high schooler. I realize I didn’t get to enjoy my high school life the way every other college student did. I have been an extrovert all my life but then I’ve realize how introverted i can be when it comes to certain things, especially when it involves girls and expressing my feelings to them…

Dating is one of the major things I missed out on in all my years in high school, and that was as a result of my personal decision, which means I could have dated someone if I wanted but then being in a relationship was my least priority back then as a high schooler, my books and grades were more important than anything else, so I stayed away from dating…

I have been a book nerd all my life, which means back then my grades and position in class were two of the most important things in my life, relationship and love were never something major to me, I believed getting into a relationship would do me more harm than good as a high schooler, especially in my academic career. I decided to stay single and have total control over my feelings for something greater…

These thoughts didn’t just magically appear to me today, i have been thinking about this for over a week now and that was because of the story I heard somewhere and also because of so many other things I have witnessed in the past…

I was with an acquaintance in her shop some weeks before the schools vacated, while trying to assist her with sales, I overheard some high school students talking about relationship, love and their boyfriends and their boyfriends. I was sitting down by the school entrance with my phone in my hands chatting and my EarPods on, I guess they thought I couldn’t hear them, probably because i am listening to music while chatting on my phone, but then i wasn’t listening to anything, i just had my pods on for no reason…

The 3 young girls who were probably in SS2 were talking about their boyfriends. I was sitting very close that i could hear everything they were saying loud and clear, they got lost in the conversation and went on to share something more intimate with each other, all these happened within a short time…

I didn’t eavesdrop on their conversation, i just happened to be around where they were having that conversation. I had a lot to think about after hearing the whole conversation, i was forced to make little enquiry about these three girls from someone close, and from my investigation I realized these three girls were quite good in their academical career, until they all entered a sinking ship and their academic performance started dropping…

The funniest thing happened when I finally discovered 2 of the guys these girls were dating, from my findings these guys were the unserious element of their class. I wondered what attracted them to those guys. I just couldn’t help but think different things after hearing that whole conversation…

If i had the chance to be a high schooler again, I would still stay very far away from relationships and love, i now understand clearly why it is a distraction for many immature children, I believe not many people understand their priorities as a high school student. I am happy I stayed very far away from relationship during my years in school…

I crushed on different girls, the ones in my class, some of my matured immediate juniors and my seniors lol, but then I never acted on my feelings, and that was the best decision I could have made back then to keep my grades up high…

In conclusion, I think high school love and relationships would do more harm than good to the young teens of nowadays, which is why I would love to advice any high schooler out there out there to try to avoid relationships until they graduate from high school…

I was about to graduate from from high school when I found love. I was writing my WAEC when i decided to give relationship a chance, and the relationship fully kicked off when my my examination was done and dusted, and since then it’s been a whole different experience and story, which I enjoyed immensely…

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