Kindness is a great virtue, and giving out without expecting anything in return is a much greater virtue everyone should possess. over the years, I have witnessed and experienced different acts of kindness, those who give with the expectation of getting something in return later and those who give out just because they are kind and can't afford to see their fellow humans lack while they have a means to help. These people give out of the kindness of their hearts, and that too without expecting anything but happiness and a smile in return...


Giving is common but giving without expecting something in return is uncommon, we need to inculcate the habit of giving without expecting something in return, and the result of this particular act is not a pleasant one, I am talking from experience...

There are a thousand and one ways to show kindness, which means kindness is not only defined through monetary assistance, one can show kindness in different ways and through different means, and it all depends on what the person needs at that particular moment, it could be money, food, clothes or any form of help. Helping someone who is in dire need of assistance is a form of expressing kindness, and doing it without expecting anything in return is a much greater act of kindness...

People give out with different motives, all of which include both good and bad, the truth is that every act of kindness has its reward, it might not be now but surely in the future help is bound to come your way when you also will be in dire need of assistance. Giving is good and giving without expecting something in return is better....

Moving on friends, join me as I share with you that one time I performed an act of kindness, well, it wasn't in the form of money, food, or clothing, this is me expressing kindness in the form of helping a friend study and prepare for an external examination while putting my promotional examination at stake...


High school was quite fun and interesting thanks to my friends and a couple of other factors, I happen to have many friends in high school, some left before we could all graduate, some had to drop out along the way, while the rest of us graduated together…

I was in the final year of my high school education, i was preparing for my west african examination, popularly known as WAEC, back then i was in the first term of my SS3, which means i had almost a year to prepare for my external exams…


I am someone that likes preparing ahead of any exams, this act put me a step ahead of others. I was preparing for my first term examination and mock exam when i got a call from a friend who had left my school years ago. The main reason for his call was to ask for my assistance in helping him prepare for WAEC, an examination i will be taking the following year, he was doing his that year…

This my particular friend is a bit slow when it comes to education, quite playful and a skirt lover, he is hardly ever serious in class. He called me and was asking me to be his tutor for the remaining 2-3 months he has left to prepare for his exams…

It took me quite a while to give him a response, and that was because i have a mock exam and a school exam to prepare for, these two examinations are taking place in just a month and all my focus and attention will be needed to pass the both…

I was in a big dilemma, I couldn’t turn down a friend in need and i also couldn’t afford to fail my upcoming exams. I slept on it for a day and decided to turn up for my friend and also preparing for my exams, for me to do both, i will be sacrificing my sleep and some other personal things to study late nights for my exams…

I could have demanded payment for the tutoring classes, but because he is an old friend I couldn’t bring myself to do that, so I demanded to be given a daily transport fare of just #200…


We started the tutoring class that day, and throughout that week it was a back to back sessions, i had to start from the beginning of everything. Honestly, it was that hard and challenging…

I almost gave up half way but giving up on him wasn’t an option, and with so many sleepless nights i had to prepare for my own exams, he got 70 percent of my attention and I could only spend the remaining 30 percent on myself, this is the least I could do to avoid failing…

3 months went by so fast, thankfully i was able to pass my two exams averagely, I could have done better but i wasn’t fully focused so it affected me a bit. Weeks later my friend started his WAEC examination after 3 months of thorough tutoring from me…

In summary, after 2 months i got a good news from another source that my friend aced his WAEC with credits and passes, i was happy to hear the good news but I would have been happier if my friend had called me to share the good news with me himself, either way, he did well and made me proud…

In conclusion, today my friend is an ND graduate I suppose. I helped him out of the goodness of my heart and not because I wanted something in return from him. This is an act of kindness everyone should possess as a person…

NB; This is my entry to the IU contest titled Act of kindness, this week’s edition is almost over but you can join us again next week…

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