I never knew it would be this hard to let go of one of my most priced and valuable possessions, i got it after many weeks of hard work and after purchasing it with my hard earned money, it’s been serving its purpose in diverse ways and also in different hands, i was quite happy when i first bought it, and became happier when it started coming through for me in my time of need, it has come through for me countless times and i have never regretted buying it for any reason…

If i had the power to travel back in time to when I first got it, I would happily go back and get two instead of just one, and that is because it came through for me big time. It has been my company on many different journeys and occasions, it’s quite portable and easy to carry around, i am happy i got it 2 years ago, but unfortunately i have to say my Goodbyes here…

I am sure you all must be wondering what I have been talking about since the beginning of my post. Well, enough of the suspense guys, i have been talking about my oraimo pillot power bank the one I got DECEMBER 2022. This particular power bank is not like every other power bank out there, it is very special and that is because this is the first thing i got with my hive earnings, hive got me this power bank just months after i was onboarded, which is why i am having a hard time letting go…

I have always handled this power bank with care that I thought it would last me till eternity, but unfortunately for me it has been damaged once in the past, and today being the second time, I have decided to not get it fixed and to let go of it completely for a new one…

The first time damage to it came from a friends dad, after that i had to take it to an engineer who got it fixed for a price, ever since the first repair it has never been the same, it was at this point I knew i have to start preparing for the worst, which is letting go of it completely…

Fixing it the first time was just a temporary solution, I knew it would develop another problem sooner or later and today was that day it developed the final fault, and for this reason i have decided to let go of it completely…

In summary, i got this particular power banks 13$ 2 years ago and today it’s almost 17$, 4 dollars increment, and that is because of the 45 percent discount it had while i was making a new purchase…

I was able to get an original product upon my first order online, i am hoping I won’t regret this my second attempt to order online and that too from the same source…

In conclusion, I have placed another order for a new power bank, same brand and from the same source, even with the fact that i don’t have any funds set aside for it at the moment, i have to chip in on my savings for something else just to make my blogging life easier and faster…

Hive is one of my sources of income, and i need to be online steadily if i am to grow my hive account to be whale someday, which is why i need to get this power bank now. I have decided to let go of the old one, it has served its purpose and its time to let go and move on…

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