Gurugram, a commerical hub and its unseen beauty!

Hello and welcome back to my blog.

Some of you might already know that I live in Gurgaon, it's my birthplace and I have lived here since. My forefathers came somewhere from Rajasthan and settled here centuries ago. Gurgaon or Gurugram has become one of the biggest cities with all its impressive infrastructures and development works.

People waiting to catch their train

I have seen this city develop. One of the biggest roads that we have now were being built when I was 5. We used to go on a walk on that half-finished road. But now everything changed.

But we can still experience the beauty of nature from time to time. I have spent a lot of time in my Nani home. We had to go and live there for a year or so due to some unfortunate events. But it was pure bliss. If I haven't gone there. I wouldn't have experienced true nature. Sometimes, these high buildings and narrow lanes narrow your vision as well. But living somewhere in what I call the middle of nowhere is bliss.

I bet you didn't know about this part of Gurgaon. Going on a walk with your dog on a lovely evening surrounded by wheat and mustard field is "living the dream" for me. Btw, that's my cousin in the picture.

Coming back to the city, has its benefits... wait, where are my manner? I didn't tell you about the history of Gurugram. Forgive me...

Well, Gurugram got its name from Guru Dronacharya of the Mahabharata era. This part of the land was gifted to him by his disciples, the Pandavas as part of Dakshina

It is one of the biggest commercial hubs in the country and a lively place to be at. It seems like the city never sleeps. People always running from one place to the other. No one got the time to take a moment and see the intrinsic beauty that it holds.

This is the story of my hometown. Do tell me yours as well, especially if you're an Indian. Please do join this great initiative by @sayee. More info on this post.

Thanks for reading...

Until next time...


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Photos were taken from my phone and edited using the "Snapseed" app.
  • Text dividers are from @cryptosharan.

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