How I joined hive

I heard about hive from my friend in 2021 he signed up and he also explained to me but I was not interested because I thought i will invest on hive and it was about trading.he helped me to write my introducing post.After that I didnt do anything on my blog i just left it. Then, my brother was on hive and he was getting rewards he told me about it but I didn't responded.
I was overshadowed with the allowance I was collecting. After my service year i was at home doing nothing.i applied for different jobs, I was called for interviews but I didn't get call for appointment.

Some months later, when i was broke i thought of it but I couldn't log in because i forgot my password and the account became useless.i regretted I didn't start my journey in 2021.i would have earn a lot of rewards and i will have gone far.
I tried to start again but I didn't get the process and i was far away from home.My friend stopped talking to me about it when he noticed that I don't like to hear anything related to it.

I finally joined towards the ending of June this year when my younger brother came back home from school.i was jobless and i had no source of income. He told me about it and he also convince me.he said he called my friend when he was broke and he told him about hive. I told him i was going to think about it.the second day,I told him to sign up and do all the process because i had no idea.he enlightened me more about the communities, how to post on hive and other application related to hive.
The first day I was frustrated with the way i was getting alert for my subscription usage. but now am not bothered again. Because I get rewards that is more than it.

I joined hive with the help of my brother and my friend regardlessly he is the one that re_introduced my brother to hive.

Thanks for reading...

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