Favorite community on the hive platform.

Hello, everyone.

I welcome you to my blog. The hive platform is a blessing and impacts every soul that comes in contact with it. The hive platform changes life, and it can only change a life positively. I strongly doubt if there is a platform out there that can offer the number of opportunities that the hive platform offers users. On the hive platform, users can earn, show off their skills, grow their skills, save, and most of all, users are given the chance to invest. Who would believe a single platform can offer all these? If you are looking for a platform where you can enjoy a lot of opportunities, then the hive platform is your best shot.


Though I was skeptical about joining the hive platform at first, but to date, joining the hive platform is one of the best decisions I have made in life, as I have not had a single reason to regret joining the hive platform. At first I thought about how difficult it was to put words together, but staying consistent with the hive platform has helped make all of that easy. On the hive platform you get to meet many people, people who would help impact your life as well as teach you lessons that will help you to grow both on the platform and off the platform.

Favorite community on hive.

Every community on the hive platform is a package of their own, special and unique in their own way, and helps impact members of the platform in many numerous ways. No community is less special or less unique to the other, but still every member of the hive platform has a community where they are more active, a community that must have helped them thrive, or the community has in one way or another made their hive journey easier, which is how many hive users choose their favorite community. Choosing one community out of thousands of communities to call your favorite is really a difficult thing to do, but with what I said earlier, some users were able to, including me.


I have shared the story of my hive journey countless times; my start on hive was not a pleasant one. It was so difficult to navigate through the platform without a mentor. I heard stories of people earning on the platform, but my case was different as I was not earning even a penny. All these forced me to give up on the platform, and I kept fluctuating. I left for over six months before I found a friend that told me about the Hive Learners community and their newbie initiative program, which I applied for and was lucky to be picked.

Coming back to Hive and staying on the Hive platform is as a result of the help I got from the Hive Learners community; it used to be the only community I post in before I started exploring other communities. The Hive Learners community helping me find my way back to Hive and making me stay makes the community my favorite community. I doubt if I would have been on the hive platform this long if the community did not help me the way it did. Many of us are partakers of this blessing.

A post in response to the India United prompt you can join here.

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