Always save in case of an emergency.

Hello, everyone.

I welcome you to my blog. Things don't always go as planned. My friend will always say, "Life is a journey; you will need your own transport fare, as no one will pay for you. Better you have yours than to be stranded." If life were so easy, then we wouldn't need to work so hard and plan well to get things done, but life is the complete opposite of easy, a place where people are victims of circumstances, a place where things you did not plan for happen and the ones you plan for don't. Sometimes trouble comes knocking on our doors whether we are ready or not; it does not care to know, so you must have plans that prepare you for what is coming.

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No one knows what the future holds; it might be good or bad, hence the need to not rely on just a single plan. You must have plans A, B, and C just in case things go south, and you will be able to find your feat in no distant time. Nobody is praying for a difficult situation or hoping that things go south, but things going south are part of the life we are living, so while hoping for the best, expect the worst.

I owe my parents everything, and I am grateful for all of the knowledge that they imparted to me. Everything I know today is thanks to them. Growing up with my parents, I got to learn a lot of things, one of which is the importance of savings, especially in a country like mine. You have to save for rainy days as you do not know when the rainy days will come knocking. Sometimes you save for rainy days in the morning and it rains in the afternoon. The importance of keeping emergency funds cannot be overemphasized. Life can be saved by these funds, and if there are none available when the need arises, life and even property can be lost.

One time I believed the need for emergency funds was when I fell sick in school and had nowhere to run. Emergency funds came to my aid, and since then I have taken it seriously. If not for emergency funds, I would not have been able to get myself drugs when I fell ill and was diagnosed with pneumonia. The importance of having emergency funds is a lot more important, and I believe everyone out there must have had an experience that helped convince them and showed them the importance of having emergency funds.

One strategy I use is splitting my income for the week or month into two, sometimes into two equal parts, and sometimes the part that goes into savings is greater, depending on the needs and bills that I have to clear. Sometimes the money that goes into savings is what saves the day. Since life is full of uncertainty, we don't know when pressing needs and bills will come knocking. Another strategy is saving in dollars. My country's currency keeps losing value, so the best way to maintain its value is to save in dollars.

Thanks for reading my post.

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