Many people, most of us here, have been in hive for quite a long time. Some started in the harsh side of hive (no mentors), while some, have people to guide them and assist them through every single step they take in hive.

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Irrespective of the fact that i joined hive as a lone wolf, i met great people that put me through the complexity of hive, which made me grow to the extent i am currently.

With the many things i have gained from hive, it is only natural for me to spread the good news of hive, to other people. I love onboarding people to hive.

One way that hive can be promoted, is through paid adverts. Don't get me wrong, not google annoying ads, that pops up when you are doing an important thing.

It is no doubt that social media applications, web 2, is home to 3 out of 5 people. People spend most of their time in social, watching their favourite youtuber, vendors, skit makers, whatsapp tv and meme posters.

The influece that these people have on their followers, is enough to make any product they advertise, to sky rocket.

My idea is, to use the influence of these social media celebrities, to promote the hive blogchain.

Most times, i do see companies like bolt, indrive and some crypto exchanges, using these people to create awareness for their company.

It would not be a bad idea for hive to map out its benefits, hire one or two of these influencers, so that they will promote the hive blockchain.

Another way i can think of, is to sign contracts with some celebrities. Mostly, Musicians and actors. Pay them to promote hive for a particular duration.
Through this, the hive blockchain can reach the massive fanbase of these celebrities.

In my own end, i am currently promoting hive in the little way i can. sometimes, i post it in my whatsapp status. I was suppoesed to hold a bootcamp, this year july, but something came up, and i could not invest enough time, to aid the success of that bootcamp.

Hopefully, by January, i will hold the bootcamp. The way i plan to get audience is, through paid adverts just as mentioned in this post but, i will not go for the top influencers, (i obviously can not afford them at the moment).

I am currently working on the course, both pdf and video lessons, that will aid in this bootcamp.

This is my entry to the indiaunited contest

Thank you for reading.

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