My Introduction to Hive Community

Namaste Hive Family, my name is Naveen Jogta and I live in Narkanda village of Himachal Pradesh state. I came to know about this platform from my friend @himalayanwomb who has been on Hive for many years. So let me tell you a little about myself.

My basic studies were completed in Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh. After spending 25 years of my life in the city, I also worked like everyone else. When I did not get leave to go to the track, I decided to leave my 3-year old job and come to my village Narkanda.

After coming to Narkanda, I took over the work of my father's apple orchard in which initially I had no interest at all, but with time I also matured and started adjusting to the environment here. From 2018 to 2023, I spent most of my time in apple farming, as a result of which I now work in the apple orchards wholeheartedly with my family.

Thumbail.JPGPhoto of me clicked by my cousine at my home town, also posted on my facebook account

naveen with home and animals.JPGThis is me playing with my cow and dogs in front of my old house

chharain village photo.JPGBecause my village is at an altitude of 2450 meters, two to two and a half feet of snow falls here.

“If I talk about my daily routine here in the mountains, I wake up every morning at 6 am and take my cow's milk to Narkanda market. Narkanda market is 4 km away from my house and I cover this distance on foot every day. It takes me 09:30 in the morning to return after selling milk and eggs in the market. After coming home and having breakfast, I spend my day working and taking care of the apple orchards. I like to spend about one and a half to two hours every evening with my chickens and cow. And after having dinner, I go to sleep...this is my daily routine."

dhondu & his partner.JPGDhondu and Kalu enjoying snowfall

narkanda market.JPGThis is Narkanda market where I come every day to sell milk and eggs

rice dhulai.JPGAbout every 10 days I take rice home from the market on my back for my chickens.

naveen with dhondhu.JPG

Talking about my hobbies, I love drawing but I hardly get time to work in the apple orchards. Once upon a time, when I used to go to church, I also learned to play the guitar...even if I don't find time for any other hobby, I definitely find time for the guitar. Talking about music, I like Ozzy Osborn, Nirvana Band, Matelica and Queen. At one time I was so crazy about Ozzy that I got his name tattooed on my fingers. My mind feels so relaxed with music that later I myself wrote some songs which even today I often sit alone and hum on my guitar.

drawing.JPGI like making drawings related to mountains and people.

guitAR.JPGI still enjoy carrying and playing the guitar while trekking in the mountains.

ozzy tattoo.JPGNow you can understand how crazy I am about music

I was studying in the second year of college in 2010 and then I felt that life should be taken to a different level. Inspired by this adventurous idea, I did a basic ski course in 2012 from my home ground Narkanda. The 14 days I spent here were some of the best days of my life because there I met people like me...with whom I realized that there is a home even away from home. When my passion for basic skiing started taking over, I did an intermediate ski course in the very next year in 2013. Because my house is in the Himalayas and the altitude here is 2650 meters, about two and a half feet of snow falls here in winter. This much snow is suitable for skiing.

Taking my skiing profession forward, I did an advanced ski course in the year 2014 from the famous valley of Solang in Himachal Pradesh. After doing this course I realized that this sport is not for a person like me who does not have money to buy skis. So I put this profession on hold, but even today, when it snows, sometimes to survive this profession, I pay $15 a day and rent skis and refresh all the techniques I learned in the ski course.

ski certificate.JPGMy Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Ski Course Certificates

ski.JPGWhen I learned to ski, I started skiing with full confidence

Because I am from the mountains and almost all the famous places are located near my house, so after completing my studies and skiing, I turned to trekking. I did some famous treks of my state, the main ones being Shrikhand Mahadev, Kugati Pass, Manimahesh Kailash, Kinnar Kailash, Spiti Valley, Chitkul, Pin-Parvati Pass, Chandranahan Lakes, Bhrigu Lake, Chuddhar, Yula Kanda, Hatu Peak and Patalsu Peak. Out of all the above mentioned places, I have been going to Shrikhand Mahadev for the last 13 years. Trekking has given a direction to my wandering life and it has given me the focus which I could never learn or understand among people.

trekking.JPGThis photo has been clicked by @himalayanwomb when both of us were going to Pin Parvati Pass

shrikhand.JPGThis is Shrikhand Mahadev where I have been 13 times

best photo.JPGThis is a sample of my mountain photography

While trekking, I explored mountain trail races and got the opportunity to volunteer at some ultra trail events. While volunteering, I learned that I have a good photography in the eyes of my friends and me, I am a good photographer with a good eye. While volunteering, I felt that I could also run because I am physically fit and live in the mountains. As a result, I participated in the 15 km category of a mountain trail race held near my house in which I stood third. Now I think that not in the big category but I can participate in the small category in future.

bhrigu lake trekking.JPGI volunteered at Bhrigu Lake during Solang SkyUltra

SURT medal.JPGI stood third in the 15km category

After running, I would like to tell you about another hobby of mine, I love cooking and I cook almost all types of Indian dishes. Talking about food, I like eating white gram very much. And talking about cooking, I like making dal very much. And yes, I also like to drink tea made by myself. I am a vegetarian and eat eggs.

cooking.JPGI am not a chef but I know that people like the food I make.

After spending 25 years in the city, my life has now taken shape in Narkanda village. After living life in a hill village, I understood that my needs were very less. Because my needs are less, I am able to work in the apple orchards with full honesty. I have also contributed in building a home stay in 2019 by staying with my family. Till now I have not been able to register this home stay but will soon get its license and would like to show my village and my experience to the tourists.

shimla.JPGThis is Shimla where I spent 25 years of my life

DSC00089.JPGThe building visible behind me is a home stay whose license is to be made.

apple cutting.JPGNowadays it is winter and apple cutting is necessary in this season.

murgi.JPGi have 16 hens and one rooster

My target on hive:
I want to present my village in front of the people living in the country and abroad, I cannot travel the world, so I want you guys to come to my home stay and sit in front of me and share your experiences and make me tour the world. By staying here, I want to share with you the experience I learned in the apple orchards. I want to introduce the amazing people present here to the Indian Himalayas. And with the money I earn from Hive, I will fulfill my pension by buying myself an alpine ski. If there is money left, I would like to prepare my barren land for crops.

Disclaimer: I am present on social media with the name jogtanaveen. In today's introduction post, I have posted some photos from my Instagram and Facebook accounts. This post is originally written in Hindi and translated into English with the help of Google Translator. I click photos with my Android phone and Sony camera and edit them in mobile apps Lightroom and Snapseed.

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