IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #20: "How did I join hive?"

This week @Indiaunited - Contest question is, "How did you join Hive?"


My story goes 7 years back, when I was jobless and did not know exactly what to do with my time. I was involved in Yoga and Crystal healing but that was not a full time work for me, and I had too much of free time at hand, which I did not know how to put to use. I was searching for a job, but here in Muscat there are regulations for expat women jobs so it was challenging for me to find one. The first half of my day would quickly pass off with my activities but the later half of the day would go extremely dull. I kept looking for options to do something productive to fill up my time. I would spend lot of time reading, doing some online courses but then that was all temporary, there was no proper solution coming of it.

Hubby was also supporting me in finding something for me to do. At that time I was not into cryptos at all, and he had just started learning about it, so he would keep listening to videos on YouTube. He came across one video where he learned of Hive (Steemit then) and he asked me to check. I was not much into any type of online activity in those days as most of these online jobs turn out to be fraud, so I did not pay much attention to it. When he told me about the payment system, I could not believe that we can get paid for writing. It was all about the past experiences and also hearing so many fraud stories in the crypto space as well.


For one month he kept insisting I take a look at it, and finally I did. I created an account, in 2 days time my account was active. I wrote once a week, first couple of weeks no earning, no comment, absolutely nothing and I started feeling like a waste of time and energy. Then hubby took it on him to learn more about it and explain to me, slowly gradually I started increasing my engagement on the platform and I also had some rewards coming in, though they were very poor but my interest started building. I started spending more time on it and now my free time was also getting utilized. I gave myself time of 6 months and decided that if in this time my earnings and engagement does not improve then I will quit, because I did not want to put in my time and energy for some cents.

As time went by, I was enjoying the writing part, which is one of my hobby as well. So even while earnings were not coming through, I was enjoying writing and that's what kept me going in the initial months and the rest is history.

It's been a good 7 years journey now and I always thank my hubby for introducing this chapter of my life to me and moreover not letting me quit. He knows I enjoy writing and with that he kept boosting my confidence. With this also my crypto journey started, from here on I wanted to know and learn more about crypto and invest in it.

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ



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