The state of confusion

I finished my service some weeks ago, which makes me a fully certified graduate. Ever since then, I've been so confused. Well, talking about my service experience, it's something that's really worth it, as I really enjoyed it.

I met beautiful people and learned a lot from them. In fact, I met people I don't want to leave again. But ever since I finished my NYSC program, I've been really confused.
I was with my mentor some weeks ago when we met at our brother's wedding. I was telling him about how confused I'm. Because the step I might take now might be a step forever, and it might lead to greatness or not. He told me I should be thankful that I've got some skills I'm using, unlike other people.


He told me that it's ok to be confused when you are done with your NYSC; I'm sure you will figure it out soon. Well, as we speak, I've been avoiding some people lately. I actually traveled home to rest, eat, and recover in a good position before I finally made my decisions. Honestly, if I were told it used to be like this, I would have prepared more than this.
At the same time, I'm thinking about those who are not even prepared at all, because how exactly do you want to make it without good preparations?

I'm avoiding people for some talk, like, When are you getting married? What is the next thing for you to do? Won't you bring your wife home and so on like that? I actually don't like too much talk; I'm just an online gangster. I wouldn't want to let anyone pressure me on anything I do not want to do. No one really knows what you are passing through, but that marriage of things is what society always sees when you are done; they do not even care if you have a job you are doing.

So far, so good. I'm planning to go back to my engineering work or have another skill, which is actually tech. This is what is running through my mind presently, but I don't know how to start it or where to start from. All I know is that I'm going to start one day, very soon. Presently, I'm still enjoying my stay at home.
I will advise anyone to always prepare ahead. I honestly thank God for Hive. It would have been so much worse if I didn't know anything about Hive.
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