IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #22 | Ideas to promote Hive

The best way to promote Hive is not to promote it at all actively. There are different geographies where promotion is taken in various ways and distinct perceptions.

Whilst some people are wide open to any new ideas and keep a healthy window to evolving concepts and emerging technologies, the large populace is oriented around traditionalism and they accept it only after the inflection point.

In the context of crypto and Hive, we can not say whether an inflection point is reached or not. But definitely, it is constantly producing an upward contour in the context of adoption.

WhatsApp has become a social abode for Indian families and Telegram has become so among the professionals and students community at large in India. Did they actively promote their products? Perhaps, NO. Of course, they are big tech giants who already have that huge user-base consolidation which made things easy to make inroads in Indian families.

Now can we engineer some passive marketing strategy for Hive and its ecosystem? In the first place, never project it as a money-making platform, this will have an inherent rejection from the intellectuals. And even though it has paid in millions it should not be a primary target if we truly want this app to make inroads in all social spheres of life.

The best way out should be to reach out to different families at an individual level, and then onboard all of their members slowly and steadily. That way, we can get customizable and original content from different families which will enrich this ecosystem. We need unique and Hive-exclusive content in the first place to take it forward.

For that to happen, we should take the passive route to reach out to families, by default, the family is a decentralized unit in a society, so they can truly bring the exclusive content for this platform.

Then we can take it further akin to whisper protocol, where one family can radiate the vibes Hive ecosystem to another and this marketing could expand in an organic and natural way.

We should not try to disrupt the YouTube or Instagram kind of thing, their growth and consolidation have become so huge that they have become too big to fail, and particularly in the social media realm, people take it as for entertainment, do not take it as a kind of job or money making things in the first place.

So Hive being a social media product, needs to engineer its marketing in a different way and we should build a user base different from what YouTube or Instagram is.

Slowly and steadily, in time, people will get to know the importance of Web 3.0, absolute ownership, and Blockchain technology, and their conviction to join this platform will further strengthen.

Thank you.


This is my entry to IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #22 by @indiaunited


Infographic created using Paint.

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