My Goals For Hive. #iucontest, week 4

Hello friends in the #indiaunited community and the hive blockchain. It is another week of engagement as we will engage with the #iucontest. This week we have been sharing our dreams and goals for hive. You can join the contest through this link

Hive is a community I love so dearly. I love hive so much that I can't wish for anything else apart from success. I want to see hive succeed. I want to witness greater milestones in the Hive Blockchain.

Hive Blockchain has been a blessing to many of us. Through The Blockchain we have come to understand and get acquainted with many other crypto resources. The Hive Blockchain has enhanced our creativity and resourcefulness in that we have learnt how to productively generate resourceful contents for the Blockchain. Hive is an ecosystem that should be enlarged and expanded beyond several boundaries.

A Wider Coverage

I wish that Hive Blockchain has a wider coverage. I want many more users to get aboard the hive blockchain. I want the user base to expand. There should be more and more people joining the Blockchain. As a social platform, I want to see many users get on the platform and begin to use it. Hive blockchain should be another social platform with wide range coverage.

There should be a culture of bringing in people to the platform and making them stay. There should be an encouraging approach to accommodating newbies on the blockchain. More and more publicity should be rolled out which will bring the awareness of the hive blockchain to the general public.

The database of hive should be broad, resourceful and relevant. My aim is that the hive blockchain will be a home of knowledge and information of all sorts. The general public should come to hive blockchain for whatever information they desire. In this way there should be more quality contents and resource materials readily available on the blockchain.

Hive Should Appreciate In Value

I want to see the value of $HIVE appreciate and grow beyond $10 in the coming days. Hive is a social platform and also a crypto platform. As we enjoy the engagement and interactions, we want to see more monetary gains too. We like the money so we desire that the hive would grow and get $10 and even beyond.

My Contributions

To make sure that hive get to where I expect it to get to, I have contributions and commitments to make. To make the blockchain grow in the number of users and accounts, I will invite friends to take their place in the blockchain. I will tell them of the immense benefits that I am enjoying there on the Blockchain.

I will regularly contribute good quality content to the blockchain. I will give out of my area of knowledge and experience to enrich the database of the blockchain.

Also, I will endure that I work hard and stay committed on the blockchain So that I can earn hive tokens and stake the same. I will consciously grow my stake to make sure that I contribute to the growth of the blockchain.

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