My savings strategy in difficult times



"Any kind of crisis can be good. It wakes you up".

- Ryan Reynolds -

As the years go by, we grow older and our worries increase, but also our wisdom along with our experiences.

One of the things that every human being has to do or have to deal with is the anxiety caused by not knowing what is going to happen in the future or worrying about whether a situation will arise tomorrow. complicated and we will not be able to know how to solve it.

I think it is normal and it is a fear that every human being faces.

However, speaking from logical thinking and being rational, far beyond being stoic like I am, we must always have planning and organization.

This is where obviously the need to have an emergency plan comes in and I dare say that not only one emergency plan is enough, it is clear that it should be essential to have several emergency plans.

I am a citizen who lives in Venezuela and for those who do not know, we have a very deep financial, moral and social crisis, deeply rooted for more than 25 years.

Lately you must have heard or read information about the entire electoral process that we are overcoming, going through and suffering because they have committed fraud on us and this is due to corruption.

What happens with all this and the reason why I mention it is that we have learned to have more than one emergency plan for all these situations that we have had to overcome.

We have had a lack of food, we have had a lack of services, we are currently facing a situation of censorship at all levels that if we comment on something that the government does not like, we can go to prison.

Image from Gerd Altmann at Pixabay

What I mean by all this is that we have precisely developed an innate ability to create emergency plans and what I want to share with you is the emergency plan, the main emergency plan that I have tried to keep in place.

And well, for financial reasons more than anything I have not been able to carry out, it is about all the income, all the rewards and everything that I have monthly to save even 10% and try to have that 10% savings fund. .

But in a country with inflation as wild as Venezuela and with conditions as extreme as this country, it is impossible to achieve this, because that 10% that I try to save from the rewards that I generate here in Hive, I am going to need it for food or for aspects of health, since I have a leg ulcer and it is necessary for me to buy painkillers to withstand the pain of the ulcer, antibiotics, bandages, gauze and different things.

Then adding to that the different amount of expenses that I have on a day-to-day basis such as rent, food and payment of basic services such as internet and different things, the few rewards that I generate here, which are about 40 HBD per month they are quickly diluted by paying me.

Just look at the internet, I pay 30 dollars, that is, 30 HBD goes directly from the 40 that I earn, that is, most of it goes to internet consumption, which is what allows me to generate money and I only have 10 HBD left per month to be able to pay for the rest of the things.

I also help myself a little with renting the parking lot I have, which is an additional 30 dollars.

With those 70 dollars a month it is very difficult for me to carry out this emergency plan, the ideal is that I have this emergency fund in a stable currency, in a separate wallet, and that I gather all that amount there, so that When I need something important, an expense or an important repair that I have to do in my house or some unforeseen health issue, any other unforeseen thing that happens to me in life, I can have that on hand and I can have it available. of that money.

Image from OpenClipart-Vectors at Pixabay

But unfortunately, as I say, due to the country's situation, it is not possible for me to implement that emergency plan, and I have also tried other options.

With the option to create content on other platforms, but the rewards are not as good and require too much time invested.

So most of my time invested is here in Hive and of course I can't dedicate myself to watching videos or making content for other parties because I would neglect my main source of rewards that I have.

This is the strategy that I explain to you: save 10 to 20 percent of everything you receive, of the income each person receives monthly, and try to have several sources of income, so that by diversifying the source of income we will be able to have this emergency plan, which can help us overcome any difficulties in the future.

This is the strategy that I use and that I have been trying to carry out for more than 25 years but as I already say (and sorry for sounding repetitive) the conditions in this country are subhuman, here you don't live here, you just "survive" which is something very different.

I hope that you are always proactive and that you save a part of your rewards for an emergency plan, which can be used for any unforeseen health, repair or anything else that may arise, because it may happen, for example, that the government requires a special fee. for a tax, or something and then if you have this emergency fund you can use it to pay that fee.

And this is what I want to share with you about this issue of the emergency fund.

Thank you for reading this post.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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