Practicing afforestation is one of the best ways to preserve our environment.

There are plenty of ways we can help save the environment and keep it in good shape. As someone who's spent a lot of years studying agriculture, I’ve come across different ways through which trees help preserve the environment, and I think more people need to realize just how important they are.

First of all, we need to seriously reduce deforestation and prevent it.

A lot of people look at trees as just something that makes a place look nice and beautiful while some dont even see the importance of having trees around, but they don’t realize that planting trees has alot of benefits

Sure, they beautify our surroundings, but trees do so much more for the environment, and it’s time we start paying attention to those advantages.

The first one is that they help to curb soil erosion and flooding.

Trees have rigid and strong roots that enables them to hold and keep the soil in place, which at the end of the day allows them to prevent erosion.

On top of that, they are excellent at absorbing water.

When there’s a lot of rainfall, trees and contain excess water, which allows them to helps to reduce the effect of natural disasters such as flooding .

Trees also serve as windbreaks. If you are very observant you will notice trees moving and swaying when the wind starts, that is them doing their job, they are trying to reduce the impact of strong winds.

During this period, they help with breaking up force of the wind, and thereby protect the environment, homes, and even our farm crops. Having trees serve as natural windbreaks in our environment can make a huge difference,by preserving the atmosphere and even protect damage of our lands.

Another major way trees helps to preserve the environment is by absorbing of carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the air.

We live in a world where cars and different industries constantly release toxic and harmful gases into the atmosphere, and it has been causing alot of harm on both our health and the environment at large.

But then it would be amazing for you to know that trees they have the ability to attract and asborb these gases and other pollutants in the air.

If we can practice afforestation and plant more trees in our environment, they will help to balance out some of the air pollution and make the environment a safe place for everyone to live in.

With that being said, saving the environment isn’t just about planting trees.

Us as humans, also need to take responsibility for how we deal with waste. I’ve seen how careless and non-chalant people can be with litter, throwing trash around without thinking about the consequences.

Most of the time when it rains, this trash often ends up in gutters, clogging them up and leading to flooding.

Also at times they may end up in the streams and rivers and make it get filled up and very dirty, that it sometimes lead to water pollution.

This is actually a huge problem, but it’s something we can fix. If people would simply dispose their waste properly and stop littering, we could prevent a lot of this flooding and keep our environment cleaner.

This is the major reason why i love the activities of the #cleanplanet community as they device alot of means through which waste and thrash can be reduced in order to save our environment and keep it clean.

In the end, there are many ways to protect the environment, and trees play a big part in that. They protect our soil, help manage wind and water, and even clean the air. But it’s not just up to trees—each of us has a role to play, whether it’s managing waste or planting more trees.

Small actions, like being more mindful of where we throw our trash, can have a big impact on the future of our environment.

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