My Footing: How I Joined Hive

I joined Hive on June 1st, 2022. I’m really bad at remembering dates. Like, really bad. If you want to invite me to an occasion, you'd have to keep reminding me from time to time or I might forget about it. My friends would always get frustrated with me for forgetting important dates, like their birthdays. Really, it is not my fault. The interesting thing is that I still remember the exact date I joined Hive. That date is really important to me (plus, it is on my profile and I check it from time to time.) We all have different stories of how we joined Hive. Whether you joined through a social media platform or a friend or family member introduced you to Hive, I’m glad you all made it to this space.

Before I joined Hive Blockchain, I had been sharing my writings on various platforms. I blogged for African platforms like Scooper News and OperaNewshub, which helped me build my writing skills. My memories are flawed, and I don’t remember why I stopped blogging on these platforms, but I remember that one of the reasons I stopped blogging for Scooper News was because they introduced “unnecessary” rules. I didn't want to stay idle and wanted to write. I explored various social media platforms for something to do, but there was nothing. I was on the verge of giving up when my sister introduced me to her friend, Burlarj (on Hive).

He told me about Hive blockchain. I wanted a place to write, and Hive came through for me. The first problem I faced when opening an account was choosing a username. I had so many options in my head. If we could change our names on Hive, I'm pretty sure I’d have changed mine to something..uhm better. Well, after scratching my head for about 15 minutes, I finally settled on this username. As expected, the username wasn’t taken. Hive blockchain terms messed with my brain. I was super confused when my onboarder explained terms like Hive power, power up, tags, sourcing, and so on. Fortunately, he was patient enough to stoop low to my level and explain everything in detail in a way that I could understand.

I remember asking him why I needed to source images and why I couldn’t use any image on the internet. The front ends also messed with my head. At first they seemed complex. Who would’ve thought I’d get the hang of it? With time, things became easier and clearer. I got to know how to navigate around different front ends.

Looking back, my journey on Hive has been a rollercoaster of experiences. I’m grateful for the things I’ve learnt and the people I’ve met. Usually, when I talk about my experiences on hive so far, I always mention The Newbies Initiative program (by Starstrings01). The program was the solid foundation on which I built my Hive life. Thanks to the program, I learnt the important things about Hive. Not only did Starstrings and the other leaders teach us things about Hive, they also touched some key aspects in life.

Thanks for reading.

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