My Digital Haven

In today’s world where technology has taken over everything, we spend a significant amount of time on our cell phones, computers, and other digital gadgets, scrolling through videos, playing games, chatting with our friends, or doing research about a particular topic. Whatever our reasons are, there's no doubt that we spend a significant amount of time on our cell phones. Growing up, technology wasn't as advanced as it is now. My friends and I bonded with each other by playing local games, or simply other offline activities. But now that technology has advanced, it has taken over quality family and friends' time. What used to be a quality family dining time, is now something different; people even bring their cellphones to the dining table. I agree that spending a significant amount of time on apps and websites has its pitfalls, but it also has so many advantages.

In today’s digital world, there’s one app that I visit every day. Over the past few months, I don’t think there has been a day where I didn't check in on the app. It is my go-to app. The app that has captured my heart firmly is Discord. This purple app is my favorite. I remember the first time I downloaded Discord. Hive made me download the app. Before then, I had always been hearing about it. I actually thought it was for gamers who played games like Monopoly, and that it was a space to talk about crypto, but I never seemed to care about downloading it. When my onboarder told me that I'd need the app for my Hive journey, I quickly and eagerly downloaded it.

If anything, the Discord logo has to be my favorite app logo. It is simple and creative. I'm pretty sure the logo designer put so much thought into it. Purple isn't my favorite color, but I think it goes with the logo. When I downloaded the app, I was new to the world- The Discord World. But the app was easy to download and navigate. One of the first things I learnt how to do was “play with” messages; bold, highlight, underline, italicize, and hide messages. It was really a fun thing to do. And then, the most interesting part came; joining communities.

One thing about me is that I love exploring. @hopestylist knows I'm a great explorer. I love trying different things and reading about different subjects. In my quests, I landed in so many Discord channels, and so many of them have helped shape my Hive and personal lifestyle. One of the communities that I spend most of my time in is Neoxian City. This community is loaded with everything; beautiful people, creative minds, the playful ones, and the jovial ones.

The Neoxian community has helped me connect with like-minded individuals who share similar passions and interests. I love books and I also enjoy watching anime. Not so many people like these two things. As a book and anime lover, one of the best things that could happen is to meet people who share your interests and passions. That way, you talk about the things you love. Neoxian City is loaded with these people, and it is not surprising that I spend most of my time on this app. Whether you are in a bad mood, or you're feeling ecstatic about a particular thing, Discord is the place to unleash your emotions. Sometimes, I just feel like ranting about a particular thing. I have made friends on Discord whom I could easily confide in.

Discord is not also my “rant platform.” It is also a source of updates and information. I rely on Discord servers (and also my Discord friends) to stay informed about the latest trends on Hive and outside Hive. In summary, Discord is my favorite and go-to app. It is loaded with everything.

This is my entry to the India United contest. The topic is;
which website or application do you spend most of your time on?

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Thanks for reading.

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