IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #21: Theme - "What is your Favorite community on Hive and why?


This week contest from India united reminded me what is like when you join hive new .It wasn't easy for me when I joined Hive, then I wanted to write on leofinace community but find it real difficult to do so. I started reading and commenting on any post that interest me. Still the courage to write wasn't there. I felt that hive wasn't for me. I started checking different communities to see the one I could fit in still it wasn't easy until one day, I read a post made by #wearealive social community. I commented on the post and @tydynrain replied me.

He mentioned to me activities that is good on in the community, I joined @heartbeatonhive project and I started finding it interesting to write on hive. Some of it was, my hive weekly goal, ALIVE staking and commenting on all selected post for each day. That daily contest helped me so much to be active on Hive.

I also introduced the community to follow newbies so that they can join on that daily contest and socialize. The community thought me that engagement is the key. I remain active in the community until my circumstances changed which is affecting my consistency on hive now.

To better help myself on hive, I joined leofinace #zealy quest then and that helped me to understand hive better and gradually, I started writing in leofinace community and other community contest. On Hive, you need someone to guide, a community to help you in hive, you must be willing to learn and participate, with that you you see yourself climbing that mountain like challenges.

My favorite community and why

Here is my favorite community We Are Alive Tribe. We are Alive community is my favorite community because it is the community that helped me to stay on the Blockchain till today. As I mentioned earlier, I was nervous about what I will write and how to write it on hive. It was this community that helped me to hive as a family. It helped me to know that what I need is to show up daily as a newbie.

The community encouraged me to ask questions on what I don't understand that they will answer. @flaxz was too good to me and newbies to guide us when we want to give up. I remembered when my hive account was tampered because I clicked unknown link as a newbie. He was the one I chatted immediately and he recovered my account even though it was midnight.

We are Alive community helped me to know the importance of not Isolating myself thinking that others are writing better than me. They encouraged me to make that mistake and learn from it. Engagement is the key in the community and there is no way you will be in we are Alive community without being active because there is a lot to do each day. As a newbie, sometimes,you will not kn what to write but contest in the community which daily helps you to have what to write on.

That helped me to participate in different community contest like the one I am writing now. I am happy that today, I can find my way on hive, I can also guide newbie on hive to learn as I did. I can write in Inleo community now, thread and engage courtesy of the help I received from we are Alive community.

It is good to explore communities on hive to find out the community of your choice. Many hivers today are blogging in just one community a d they are okay with that while some blog in more than two communities, some participate only on contest. What is important is to contribute to the growth of the ecosystem. Give it your best as all of can't do the same thing.


Knowing hive has been a blessing to me. We are Alve community has helped so much to understand hive. This contest today has motivated me to remain active on hive despite challenges. I encourage all to keep giving and keep helping others to remain active on hive .

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