Here I was few minutes ago wondering what I should write on and then I found this week's topic suggestion for the indiaunited contest which is on "MY BEST HIVE EXPERIENCE". Well, personally I've had so many Hive experiences that are so unforgettable and today I'd try as much as possible to share the best but I think they are all the best but then I'd share those ones that I know everyone especially the newbies among us can benefit from.

It has been over two years experience on the Hive blockchain and I've been able to make so many beautiful and worth sharing memories that sometimes when I take my time to think about them I just feel so blessed and lucky that I am a part of such an amazing platform. My first year was one of the year I created the best of memories because my growth since then has been so consistent and persistent. I had the best onboarder, not because she always helped me, but because she always made me want to learn things on my own.

The only time I go to her for help was when something just keeps proving harder and harder to comprehend. Listen, Hive is a platform that you can make become whatever you want it to be for you. Sometimes people try to frown at the fact that I spend so much time on Hive because they think that hive is not going to be there forever. Most times I just laughed and just kept on doing my thing the way I do it best.

It was no doubt how much I was willing to give to the hive blockchain, why? Because for one I never really gave anything in particular to get anything that I have now. All I had to give was my time and effort which was what I normally give out to the wrong platforms prior to then. When I found Hive, I just knew that this was what I needed and that made me gave it my all! At least for the first year since I was not involved in so many things at that time. I was but I knew Hive was worth my time so I invested it in.

It started as a joke, my first three months of dedication were the best in my Hive journey, not really in the aspects of Rewards, nah. Like that was the least part of everything. I got to connect with so many people in a way that I don't see that bond breaking in a rush. How did that happen? All I had to do was engage genuinely on different users post and try to be consistent. Well, it wasn't easy at first but trust me when I say it was fun! I loved how the connection built over time.

I know a lot of people are so more concerned of the rewards they get on their posts but I tell you this, those rewards would one day cease and the only thing that can keep it going is the number of connections you've built. And I know that some people don't value little accounts because they feel they have nothing to offer to them, well that's your bad because one day those accounts will grow and they would only continue supporting those that they've built strong connections with before considering others.

I know so many people are always amazed of the kind of support I get, well here is the secret and that is genuine engagement! Nothing more nothing less! I remember the first time I won a delegation prize for the first time from @ starstrings01 just for the fact that I engaged so much on his contents. Sadly I've not been doing that but then I knew when I did that then it was all from my heart and it meant so much to me when I knew someone recognized my effort.

Also another beautiful Hive memory I have was when I became the dreemer of the year of the dreemport community. It's not completely Hive but I won't have been able to get that crown if not for Hive so that makes it one of my best Hive memories too and it was still mostly possible thanks to the effort and time I put in to my engagement. Sadly all of that has reduced now but thankfully it never affected some of the other benefits I got from the blockchain and that only meant that my one year of consistent hard work was worth it.

And I'm definitely going to love to recreate all of those memories again as long as I'm fortunate to be alive. Soon I'm going to be a little busy with school but I'm definitely going to show up daily as much as I can. But when I'm done with school, I will love to give another one year to this amazing blockchain for all the opportunities it has given to me especially the opportunity of connecting with people all over the world. I'm not sure how possible it is but I would definitely grab this opportunity if I get one.

All Images used are mine

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