Joining hive has been one of the most beautiful and rewarding decisions I’ve made, I had my doubts at first because I wasn’t much of a writer, in fact I wasn’t a writer but for some reasons I wanted to just give it a try and somehow the pieces just kept coming together. My introduction post received a lot of love and welcome that I just knew I needed to be here. Prior to when I joined hive, my sister joined about a year before me and she would ask me to join but I’d remind her that I wasn’t good at writing and she would always tell me to give it time.

So there was this particular day, an orientation program was held in my location about hive and the post that was used for this orientation was written by my sister, it was so straight to the point and convincing, at that point I knew that hive could actually be for me. After the program, indicated my interest in being a part of hive and in less than a week, I started my journey on hive and so far so good it has been a great ride for me.

I tried my best for the first year to be quite consistent with my engagement and content creation and it paid off quite well but sadly over time my efforts began to decline due to so many offline engagements but then, I still try as much as I can to give my best. So far so good, my expectations from hive have dropped because I know I’m not giving as much as I use to but I do hope that I’d be able to find a way to find a good balance so everything can get better again.

Indeed, hive is a place for all but definitely not a place for the faint at heart, you can strive on hive as long as you give your best with minimal expectations. Hive can be anything to anyone and to me, hive is a place where I’ve gotten to discover that I’m more than what I think I am. My growth since I’ve joined hive has been evident in so many ways and I know there is more to come because I don’t plan backing out anytime soon. So if you are a newbie or you’ve been around for quite a while now, my little advice is that you should just keep going and don’t give up.

As long as you don’t give up, you will be grateful to your onboarder for telling you about hive. Hive has so much to offer but then it totally depends on how much you also have to offer, so always value every little growth that comes and most especially, we should always give ourselves to learning and improving on ourselves in every way possible as that will make our journey even more exciting and worth it.

The images used are mine

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