Saving our environment: UI n.º 24

We are all responsible for the environment, is the slogan of many advertisements and to some extent it is very true. We should all economize more, also look for food that is not too packaged. Recycle as much as possible, limit the use of vehicles and walk more or use bicycles, do not litter, limit the use of plastic in general.

But the great truth is that they want to blame us for everything when the main polluters of the planet are the big corporations, private companies and governments that allow and mine extracting different mineral resources, cutting down forests without any control and wasting millions of liters of water a day and what a coincidence that those who benefit and get rich are a small group and the vast majority remains poor ironically. These same companies pay millions of dollars in advertising to raise awareness to the population so that they do not waste energy or water making us believe that we are to blame for all the pollution of the planet the power of money is something incredible I have never seen advertising raising awareness to the various companies such as oil mining companies that do not waste water or pollute the rivers or even less so the trees that's all, I am clear that we are all responsible because we all pollute, but if you and I stop wasting water and be more respectful of the environment, maybe things will improve somewhat, but if governments and large companies that are the most polluting cut down trees and waste the vital liquid on a daily basis do not take conscience nothing will change.

I think we all know what we must do, to take care of our beautiful planet, but unfortunately this world is plagued by many idiots with power and money that only love to take, but do not like to give anything, they only see the world as a great mine to be exploited, they do not think of others in my opinion if we want to see a real change we must raise awareness to the new generations from very small from home from school for them to be more humane and more protective of our nature because it is clear that shows generations is capable of destroying only in order to enrich themselves: we only have one planet, for the moment, to live and survive in decent and dignified conditions.

The continuous depredation of forests, natural parks, rivers, streams, mountains, the indiscriminate and continuous logging to extract wood to convert it into construction material and furniture, is a very bad practice that could trigger, in the long term, large fires, an irreversible deterioration of the environment conducive to the necessary and early survival of animal species, no need to use weapons or pesticides.And also the irresponsible and persistent mania of throwing non-renewable waste into rivers, streams, seas and beaches, we contribute to deteriorate this planet that for now still serves us as a place to live, love, work and rest.And if we add to this the horrendous spills of crude oil into our oceans and rivers, all this is transformed into enormous maritime catastrophes, all this is very dantesque and, if we do not convince ourselves and become aware right now and do not react as we should, we will not only destroy a beautiful planet but a whole paradise.


the photos published in this blog are my own property.

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