Be the Change: Taking Responsibility for Our Environment

We do think that our government is responsible for taking care of everything including our environment, all our hopes are based on the government but what we are causing is more and this leads to unnecessary expectations from the government and we tend to rebuke them when they fail to do some things for us.


Many of us do not want the progress of our community, not until we wait for the leader to help before we can do the little we can, talking about social amenities like water, taking care of our roads by filling the potholes and having drainage for erosion to pass, these are little things we can do to help the progress of our environment.

Talking about some resources in the environment, there was a time when we contributed money to make a borehole in our community, everyone was happy when we finished this project because it was so useful for everyone in the community, after a while I noticed that the borehole was no longer functioning, I went there with one of our community leaders to check what the problem was, I noticed that the children fetching from the tap had removed the handle and this was very hard for people to get water, we repaired it and started to monitor the tap, we always locked the tap with lock and anyone ready to fetch water can come to take the key by doing this it really helps everyone in the community, I was so fulfilled the last time I checked and I saw that everything was intact, we do not need to destroy anything in our environment to punish everyone.

Taking care of our resources is for our own good, the government does not care about everybody because they have a lot of things running in their head than thinking of how to fix little things which an individual can do voluntarily, keep our resources in good condition is part of how we can help the environment.

Another way in which we can save our environment is to keep it clean, cleanliness is next to godliness, we must have a way of giving back to the community by having an environmental day in which everyone will come out to pick the environment, get rid of the dirt and cut some unwanted grasses in the environment for a better living, we all know that health is wealth, living in a dirty environment can cause diseases to the body and it is unfriendly to our health.


Our leaders can not do everything, we must learn how to put our environment into order, by doing this we are also helping the government to achieve some of its goals, another thing we do to help the environment in my community is sanitation, we have the last Saturday of the month for sanitation, we always come out in masses to fill some potholes so that we can have free and smooth movement not just for the people of the community alone but for everyone who is passing along the road, this is another way to help develop our environment not until we wait for the government to do that.

We can save our environment from destruction if we always observe any little change in the environment and come together to fix it before it becomes something large that we will not be able to handle in the future. Our environment is part of us, it is our dwelling place which we must take proper good care of if we do not want to suffer the loss.


This is my entry for this week's episode of #iucontest. If you wish to join this contest then you can click on this link


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