Save for merriment and Save for problems too

Many years ago, there were periods when I suddenly became sick and needed 'real' medical attention, like buying good drugs and going to the hospital and not buying the usual self prescription, but I had nothing left to take care of that. I would end up calling people to seek funds, and most of the time, I got turned down by the people I called. I used to blame them for not being willing to help. However, at a certain point, I realized the need to save a little money, no matter how small, for emergency cases such as sickness. When I reached this level of understanding, meeting such needs became much easier for me. Although there were times when the money I saved wasn't enough to cover all the bills, it still covered a significant portion of the needs.

How I Go About Saving for Emergencies


Especially in this economy, where the cost of living is very high, it is hard to save when someone is earning very little. Despite this, I still find ways to save up for emergencies.

I'm not a salaried worker; I'm into business, but not fully committed to it because I have other responsibilities. So whenever I get paid for my services and make a little profit, I set aside a very small part of it into an account I don't use often. Most of the time, I don't even check the account to see what I have saved so far. I treat it like a piggy bank and only go there when a real emergency arises. If a situation comes up that I can easily handle with what I have at the moment, I don’t bother touching that account. I leave it until a real problem knocks because problems are inevitable, and we should save for them as well. Wise people say, even as you're saying for food and merriment, save for problems too

The good thing is that the bank I use doesn't deduct fees unnecessarily, so my money stays intact just the way I put it there. I'm afraid to save in crypto, even in stablecoins, because I still think anything can happen.


I wrote this in response to India United contest

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