my most used website

Good day, amazing people of the hive block chain. Welcome back to my blog. I am so delighted to be participating in this week's prompt.


As far as the world is concerned, there are thousands of apps that people spend most of their time on. For someone like me, I spend most of my time on apps or websites that entertain me or give me money.

Sites and applications are where I spend most of my time.

Currently, I have been spending most of my time on some apps. If I may say this app has really been helpful to me, it is entertaining, and I also earn from some of the apps and websites on which I spend my time.

Currently, the only website I visit or use more often is the blockchain. I can’t go a day without using the website; the website has really become part of my daily life. The blockchain is really amazing. The blockchain is a platform where you will learn and others will learn from you; it extends ownership to its users. The blockchain has really become my day-to-day website. It is a website that allows me to share my thoughts with other users.


The website is a website that helps to develop thinking and writing skills. Tell me why this website will not be my most used website since I get to receive rewards for every post I make.

I got to engage with people within and outside of my country. There is a lot of benefit in this blockchain. This is one website that you will love to visit, and my favourite website is because I get some money from the platform. Believe me, if you come across this platform, you will make it your most-used website because of the things that you will benefit from it.


Aside from the blockchain, there is another app I often use, YouTube. This app is full of entertainment. There are thousands of things to learn from this platform. Apart from the entertainment, the platform is really educative because you get to learn a lot of things from the app. This app has really helped me in my academics because I take online classes to advance my learning whenever I am back from class. Believe me when I say there is a lot to learn from this platform.

YouTube is one app I use to unwind after a stressful day at work. I get entertained from the app because there are thousands of videos that will keep me entertained, and I also get updates on things happening around my country.


I will recommend this app to someone.

I will recommend the blockchain to someone because the platform is amazing; it gives the user full ownership; you can connect and engage with friends; it allows you to share your thoughts; and you can interact with other authors. You will also have to get curation. There are many communities that will interest you. If you are looking for advancement, YouTube is a good one.

All pictures are screenshot from my most used app and website

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I would like to know your most-used website and app.

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I appreciate your comments, support, and upvotes. Have a lovely evening.

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