My Pleasant Experiences On The Hive Blockchain. Indiaunited contest #3

Hive Blockchain has turned out to be my favorite in recent times. It was not so from the beginning. I have had my account created for years ago but I was not so motivated to get engaged. I did not see any profitability in it. I'm not a social media addict. So, engaging in social media was to me a waste of precious time. That misunderstanding made me not to value the hive platform.

Helpful Friends

My engagement in the Blockchain has been fruitful because of availability of helpful friends. @tomlee and @mfontom who got me on board, kept encouraging me to use my creative writing skills on the blockchain promising that it will be rewarding. That encouragement was a pleasant experience. It is the beginning of my fruitful journey on the blockchain.

Also, I encountered and friend who introduced to the various contests running on the blockchain. That was a pleasant discovery. The contests stirred up writing enthusiasm in me. Then I started engaging with the various contests through the Ecency app. That boasted my productivity. The mentality of hive being another time wasting social platform left me. I now see Hive Blockchain as a productive profitable platform not only for socialization but as a business and investment platform.

@melinda010100 and #ecency encouraging hands

I must confess that interacting through the Ecency frontend and engaging with @melinda programs on the platform has been a great encouragement. As a young growing hiver, I see a helping hand and encouragement from the way Ecency support the little input we make. I'm not back firing on other frontends or other communities. Every community has its terms of operation and that I respect. But I have to answer this question in line with the demand of this contest which requires the pleasant experiences I have had on the hive blockchain. So, mentioning Ecency is because I enjoyed pleasant experiences through that end.

Making Friends

Another experience that turned out pleasant was when I started engaging with others contents. That experience gave me two pleasant results. One of it is that I made many friends and receive support from them. The other one is that reading these contents enlarged my knowledge base. Now I look out for when some authors will publish their posts because I always learn either moral or educational lessons from them.


My journey through hive blockchain turned interesting through the encouragement of helpful friends on the Blockchain. Engaging in contests and using the Ecency app earn me supports that motivated my engagement.

Thank you for reading.

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