Excitement before festival

Excitement of festivals are the most in kids and young generations . The Excitement is upcoming joy and happiness. All the kids are most excited for tomorrow morning, because as I have tell you in my previous blog that in Gujarat Holi will be celebrating tomorrow by people and, even for tomorrow morning I am much excited to play with colour with my friends and family.

An funny incident
Me and my friends were much excited to make Holi so we have plan to throm water Ballon on people who are driving in four wheeler because If we throw on two wheeler they might cause a serious injury so we were throwing on four wheeler car and my friends were waiting to throw on them suddenly one car came and one of my friend throw on him and it burst on his face 😂 we were just laughing and our laugh was out of control and suddenly he stop his car and run behind us. And we run very long and we Don't know that he was running behind us, so we thought to run separately so he can't catch us so we ran in different direction. So one of my friend was running and that person who was running behind us he told my friend to stop there and my friend stopped there and he hold him and slowly slap him on his head and said why were you throwing water Ballon on me. And then he asked him where your other friends ran ?, but he lied him that he din't knew. So he asked the watchman of my building and he tell him where they ran so that he chase them and they were on the terrace of club house where he went there with a water pipe. Then you can't even imagine how funny it was if you guys were present there than you will be laughing out badly

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So he get the water pipe which was small and he go on the terrace to beat them and slowly beat on one of my friends leg while other one he thought to run again 😂 and again ran he was going stepping down stair from the terrace and he throw that pipe on him but it didn't touch him and he ran very far from him and he can't even see him then after all the seen all sorted that man go with his vehicle and we all get together and again we were out of our laugh and make the best memorie ever on Holi.

There are many children and people who are much excited to play Holi before festival and people are crazy for that. This is how we play Holi ever year in India and make thousand of memories on that day . Well India is one of the country where highest festival are made by the people with enjoyment.

Moral of the story
Though this was a weird experience, but it was a memory of laughter which will treasure in our minds forever . I would say that this was a hilarious moment of my life 🤣. The moral of the story is keeping having fun ; no matter what happens in life 😂

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