When my clique of colleagues at school and I just started to get to know ourselves, they would occasionally tell me that I was too clean. The thing is, I never ever litter. I always showed disgust for dirt. However, small it was.

Image is mine

As time went on, one told me that at the start of our acquaintanship, she thought I was putting up and acting, but after being together for months, she knew that this was me.

This advert that used to run our local television channel would say, 'change begins with me,' and I really took it personnal. Whenever I eat or drink, I don't drop it at that spot. At school, I put my paper wraps away in my bag for when I find a dustbin or when I get home. Even when I'm in a vehicle or on the road, which around here is always littered so that an extra litter males negligible difference, I don't do the same.

I'd caution my colleague-friends to pick up their litters and trash them properly if they dumped them anyhow and althoughvthey would usually grumble, they'd do as I tell after I must have given some reasons why in addition to making the place untidy and unhealthy, it is a terrible way to go.
Now, they do what's right without me telling.

Our environment is ours to preserve and protect, and whatever affects it affects us too somehow.

The level of pollution and unfavorable practices around here is high. First of all, the streets are all a mess. I wonder what pleasure people derive from trashing their wastes on the streets than in bins. Those are the same people who would complain about how dirty the place is like a ghost was responsible for all the dirt. There's even the dumping of wastes into gutters, drainage systems, and water bodies. This one freaks me out cause the implications are enormous. First, the drainage systems get blocked leasing to stagnant water flow and a breeding site for insect vectors plus the air pollution that accompanies. As for the water bodies, they lose their cleanliness and become unsafe for human use and also for aquatic life.

Personally, the best ways, in my opinion, to tackle these matters are to ensure proper enlightening on the consequences of these actions. Also, it's important that there are bins or refuse sites between stops so people don't have an excuse to be untidy. As for dumping wastes in river bodies, penalties and sanctions should be put in place. This might be a little brutal, but sometimes, tough action is what would affect positive change.
Importantly, everyone should practice sanitization. If you keep your space/whenever you find clean and I do so too, it will be less likely that we would be engaging in these kinds of conversations, is it not?

That is my participation in the Indiaunited contest week #24

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