The Power of Listening: Why Being a Good Listener is Crucial in Today's World

Most of us are in a big hurry most of the time, we do want to perform the multi-tasks at the same time but maybe that did work one time but it is really hard to manage to do that for a long time. We do think that we can multi-task and think that everything will be ok but that is not going to happen for sure. we seem to be in a hurry (not sure where ), and we don't even have time to listen to others. If you are going to meet someone or someone calls you at the start sure you will make your options and judgment about that meeting and so many other things do run through your mind.


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Sometimes we are not even ready to listen to someone, even if they are right at that. We did get egoistic sometimes and don't want to listen to anyone. If you want to do anything then try to empty your existing knowledge and start from zero that will surely be going to help you in many ways for sure.

We do see very few good listeners around if you start talking they will start interrupting you. That is a bad habit we do have the same in many conditions too. You feel proud but you are kind of interrupting the audience at that time, The best thing that can be done is to listen first and make sure to make a note of the questions that you want to ask If you are not going to do that the chances are you will surely do get forget to about them and if you will disturb someone in the middle of something the chances are you will sure making that particular a bit nervous and maybe they will forget some important points.

Always try to make sure the other person shall finish their talk first after that they will give you a chance to ask. That is the best time to ask your questions. These all things seem to be easy while we say all these things and if you will try to do that it seems to be a hard job to do. what do you think?
Are you a good listener or you do like to interrupt others in the mid of their talk? I do realize that I do that a lot I will try to make sure that next time I will not repeat this habit.

see you in the next post, till then keep learning and keep exploring...

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because what you have someone has a dream of that. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.πŸ™πŸ˜€

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