Balancing Act: Juggling Family, Money, and the Quest for Peace

No matter how much you try to run away from problems, if problems come to you, they will reach you in some way or the other. I have experienced this this year and it seems that this year will be good for me and my family. There's not much special really. There are still a few days left for this year to end, who knows what troubles are still waiting for us. The problem is nothing special but only about money and this year has been very stressful and I hope that next year will be good and a peaceful atmosphere will remain at home, rest can only wish and see what happens.


If there is no peace in your house, no matter how rich you are, there is peace in your mind and if you live in a hut and live your life peacefully, then it has a different pleasure. There is relief. When you are alone, you have to see only your problems. If you are a part of a family, you have to be a part of everyone's problems and sometimes the problems of others become a problem for you. And this is a common thing to happen in a family. If you live in a big family then you have to look after everyone's problems and solve them.

I think that's probably the reason why people these days prefer small families and why they don't want to have big families. Maybe they don't want to bear each other's problems or maybe they have so many problems of their own. Maybe they don't have time to solve other people's problems. I don't know what the reason may be but I believe that if you are part of a family then you must help each other no matter what the circumstances are, you should come together and try to come out of the circumstances. If the problem is related to money, then sometimes the situation becomes very serious and we are forced to make some wrong decisions.

There is a lot of tension in the house regarding money and this is also a major reason for fighting I have even seen many people committing suicide due to debt. people become very depressed today and perhaps they have no other option left but I believe that if you are stuck in any problem then you should share it with your family members because there will be some solution. It comes out and believe me, in the end, only your family members support you, no one from outside comes. When people make fun, they come forward quickly but when they help, everyone lags and this happens most of the time.

Believe me, taking a loan and repaying it is not a big deal and it is a very common thing these days, but if you have to repay someone else's loan, it is very painful and this situation is happening to me now, I don't know for how long. It will keep going on but what can I do, I am just hoping that this time will also pass and whatever happens, happens for the good. Let's see what good is hidden in it, maybe after a few years I will realize this for today. That's all, I will meet you tomorrow.


See you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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