The Power of practice...

Whatever you do to be situated in yourself is practice, to be situated as the observer is practice. What you do to get to this moment is practice. If the mind is free from the five instincts and is in this moment, this very moment, then that is practice. This exercise is a small attempt to bring the mind from past memories to the present moment.

Practice has great importance in the life of any human being. Knowledge is gained by practice and knowledge is lost by not practicing. There is no limit to practice. When a person practices consistently he can achieve anything. Even impossible tasks can be made possible with the help of practice.

Practice plays an important role in achieving any goal. Practice has played an important role in the success of all the people who have been successful in their respective fields. With practice even the stupidest person can become a scholar. Undoubtedly, practice plays an important role in achieving any goal.

Practice works to increase the level of confidence in us. It calms our mind and provides happiness, because practicing anything is like meditation. Through practice we can achieve anything and reach previously inaccessible heights.

This is possible with continuous practice over a long period of time with full respect and honor. Everything that is valuable in life takes time to establish, it takes time to master.

The fingers are the same but it takes time to learn flute, you cannot say that you will start playing flute in a single day. Any instrument takes time to learn and even more time to master. Not just music, learning football also requires time and training.Similarly, even in the gym, you don't build muscles in a day. Just as the body needs time to develop, the mind also needs time to develop, in fact the mind needs more time.

Exercise should not be done for too long, but in the right amount, without any gap and continuously. Often we learn something and give up, then start again after some time. When a work has to be done as per wish then it is done, if there is no wish then it is not done, in such a situation the bond is broken.

Doing it without heart and enthusiasm is not practice....

Thank you very much for reading this post...🥀

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