Middle class : why aren't you rich?

The middle class is a social class that is typically defined as individuals and households who fall into the middle range of income and social status in a society. The exact definition and boundaries of the middle class can vary depending on factors such as location, culture, and economic conditions.

Many people in this world come from middle class families, while I also come from middle class families. How big should we become? Our dreams and pressures are equally big. We all feel as if we are running a race. We all are taught from childhood how to spend money and how to save it. And because of these things we keep searching for happiness in our life.

Our life is spent in jobs worth Rs 20-30 thousand. Even 20-30 thousand seems too much to us. It gets ingrained in our minds that these are too many to last for a month. You all have seen that today more people all over the world come from the middle class.

A person considers it a sin to be born in the middle class. He believes that being born in the middle class brings many restrictions in our life. A middle class boy works hard to become rich but he is becoming poor. Because to become rich, a person starts spending more than his needs.

There are two types of people in the world: those who want to make themselves rich and those who want to show themselves rich. A person becomes poor just to show off, a middle class person always works out of fear. That person is very afraid of taking risks in life.

To get out of the middle class, we have to change our thinking. If we have to do something then we will have to take some risk in life. To achieve something one has to take risk, which every person is afraid of. We should always learn something from every person. Hanging out with good people. The main thing is to improve financial education.It is very important for us to learn how to make investments that will lead us to financial freedom. Investment or business can take us to greater heights. For which we have to keep our mind stable....

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Image taken from Pixabay...

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