
Cannabis has been consumed in India for thousands of years. It is counted among the five great plants in Atharvaveda. There was no restriction on this before 1985. Then Rajiv Gandhi's government brought NDPS i.e. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act in 1985. Then ganja was banned.

While many consider marijuana a major health risk, some point to its medical benefits. Ganja. It is also known by other names. Like marijuana. weed. Material. things. Utensil. Grass. But these are all street names. Its scientific name is Cannabis. Cannabis is a plant. It has many varieties, out of which two strains are very famous – Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica.

Nowadays it is very difficult to differentiate between Cannabis Sativa and Indica. All are very hybrid. Three medicines are made from this plant – Ganja, Bhang and Charas.Ganja is prepared from hemp flowers. Usually these are burnt and their smoke is inhaled. Is smoked. But there are ways to eat it and drink it by dissolving it.

Charas is prepared from the resin extracted from the hemp plant. Resin means sticky substance extracted from trees and plants. In Hindi it is called resin. Charas is also called hashish or hashish.

There is very limited research on the harms of marijuana smoking. Because it is illegal. It has different effects on different people. But one thing is certain. People who use marijuana at an early age may have adverse effects on their brain. Our brain does not fully develop until we are in our 20 years. Several studies have found that smoking marijuana in adolescence can have adverse effects on the cognitive abilities of those who smoke marijuana.

It was found that consumption of marijuana can prove dangerous for some people. Which people? People who have respiratory problems or are pregnant women or those at risk of developing mental health disorders. That means it can worsen the deteriorating mental health. Apart from this, excessive consumption also increases dependence on it. That means it feels strange to live without it.

Marijuana is less lethal than alcohol and cigarettes. And it also has medical benefits. No deaths have been recorded so far due to excessive consumption of marijuana, as is common every year due to alcohol and other drugs. Many studies have shown that alcohol is even more addictive than marijuana...

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