Gambling : it can ruin you stay away from it...

Friends, you all know that gambling is such a bad thing that many people in the world have become addicted to it. Many people are getting addicted to gambling. Gambling to make money.

You do not need to go anywhere to gamble, you can download the application from your mobile phone while sitting at home and play it on your mobile. Which also gives you a bonus on logging in. If played correctly then you guys can earn good money from that bonus. If you get addicted to it, it can double your money or even reduce it to zero.

I also started playing this gambling game, my friend sent me the link and said that you can earn a lot of money from this app. I also downloaded that app and started playing, first of all I won a lot, I earned good money from 50 rupees and my profit was also quite good, I thought of earning some more money and I started playing it a lot. Gave. I became addicted to it because the more I won, the more I felt like playing it.I started adding money to it to win more money and then there came a time when I got too into form and started playing it so much that I lost all the money I had won. And the money I had added could not be recovered either. It was good that I did not invest so much money but it hurts to lose money.

If you think of doubling the amount of money you earn in a month in 1 minute, it will either double or become zero. Most rates are zero. Although gambling is not bad but gambling addiction is very bad. It robs a person. If the game is played beyond this limit, people risk everything to win in gambling. And she leaves the man penniless.Which is very bad for us. I also got addicted to it and when all my money was gone I stopped playing it. In this game we get very greedy and because of this greed we lose the game.

Let me tell you, I request you that it is better not to gamble. I have also experienced the fact that it can ruin people's lives. I would also like to give you the same opinion that if you do not play it then it is better to stay away from these things as much as possible.

This game is such that it will tempt you and you may even lose your temper. I also lost my temper due to greed. And while thinking about victory, everything was lost. This game can make you both a zero and a hero, but it makes you more a zero than a hero. Therefore, stay away from gambling as much as possible...🥺

Thank you very much for reading this post...🥀

Image taken from Pixabay...

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