Alcohol: Which is very harmful for the body...

In our society, alcohol is often consumed for pleasure. Mostly it starts due to influence or pressure from friends and later people continue to consume it due to many other reasons also. Like- to remove boredom, to bring happiness, in depression, anxiety, in case of intense anger or impulsiveness, to bring confidence or to create mood etc. Additionally, in many societies alcohol consumption is also linked to religious and other social customs. But no society or religion approves its misuse.

Is an alcoholic beverage. Rum, whiskey, chulaiya, mahua, brandy, gin, beer, handiya etc. are all the same because they all contain alcohol. Yes, they vary in alcohol content and expected intoxication potential, but we call them all 'alcohol'. Many times people consider Hadiya or beer to be different from liquor, which is absolutely wrong. Both contain alcohol.

When people continue to consume alcohol, it gradually becomes such a habit that it becomes difficult to leave it. It becomes an integral part of a person's life. While trying to quit it, many types of physical and mental problems arise and the person is forced to consume it continuously.

When a person starts drinking alcohol continuously, his problems start increasing and physical problems especially stomach diseases, liver diseases especially cirrhosis, weakness of the nervous system, cancer etc. start occurring. Alcohol leaves its side effects on almost all parts of the body and hardly any part of the body is spared from its side effects. Thus we see that not only the body deteriorates, brain cells also begin to die. Mental diseases arise and changes occur in the person.

Other effects on a person's life Alcohol affects a person's life on many levels. Like mental excitement, irritability, sadness etc. There is a decrease in work efficiency and capacity in the professional field. At the social level, gradually turning away from social activities and falling in the eyes of others etc.

People drink alcohol for many reasons: to celebrate, to socialize, to express sympathy, or to drown their sorrows. We may drink alcohol to change our mood: to feel more relaxed, adventurous or confident. However, the effects of alcohol are only temporary.

Almost one-third of road deaths involve alcohol. Any person who, while driving under the influence of liquor, kills or causes hurt to any other person shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a fixed term...

Nowadays, no matter what the party is, people just want alcohol and only then the fun of the parties is complete...😁😁

Thank you very much for reading this post...🥀

Image taken from Pixabay...
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