From my one Year Hive Chapter, One Page for Some Hive Golden Moments

Hello Indiaunited Community! Welcome to my blog. Hive Platform is big blessing for me. After joining hive, I not only had made new friends but also had found mind relaxation after sharing my content here. From the beginning, I started enjoying hive family. Although I was unlucky to find a mentor here in the start and did many mistakes but I learned many things from each mistake. Now it had been about more than one year, although I'm still in learning process but now I have Hive Pakistan Family where I can find help if I need regarding my Publication or Regarding improvement in my content. Now, I have hundreds of memories that are worthy to me. In this blog, I have decided to share my some of these special hive memories here.



My Hive Special Moments



When we have special memory in our life then we love to keep in our mind especially when we are disturbed in our life. These are the moments that are very important to us. I'm blessed to have following hive special moments in my life that I always consider my hive big milestone in my life.

HL Badge, good omen in my blogging

After about three months on Hive Platform, I was quite lucky to join hive Pakistan discord by courtesy of dlmmqb. Dlm not only guided me about hive but also shared his experience for me that was big learning and winning for me. He encouraged me to apply for HL verification. Although I applied but my verification was delayed. I didn't become hopeless after this incident and showed my consistency on hive. After few months, I was surprised to see my HL verification notification in the HL discord. This was the first special moment on hive, I offered prayers to God and promised myself to engage myself on hive passionately.

Encouragement in the form of LP and HP Incentive

After joining hive, I learned how to participate in HPUD as well as LPUD. First time, I did mistake in the participation of these events. After participating third time, I came to know about the rules of these events. I was lucky when I participated fourth time in LPUD and won 20K Delegation HP and LP incentive for one month from sir taskmaster4450. This was another special moment that motivated me. These were really special moments in my hive carrier that I expressed into my one of the hive posts those days. Still these memories are fresh in my mind because my voting mana was 0.03 for me.

Author of the Week and HP apprentice Curator

I like to participate in as many hive contests as I can. Either I won or I didn't win, I always learned from something special from the posts of the winners. I makes analysis of these posts with mine. My this practice made me able to win author of the week title in my two best communities in a single week. Yes, I won the HL and Actifit author of the week title in the previous year. These were my unbelievable moments for me. I still like to cherish them into my memories. Still I'm doing my best to win this honorable title in as many communities as I can.



After six precious months on hive, I was able to win trust in Hive Pakistan. I always appreciate dlm who not only encouraged me on my best content but also handed me responsibility of HP apprentice Curator. To be curator in different communities was also my dream. Being Curator we only read a post but also analysed it for curator criteria. This practice helped me to catch abusers and scammers. It is the main reason I always respect curator of each community because they are sincerely serving hive community by delivering rewards to deserved authors.


After one year on hive, I have many good memories. I'm lucky to highlight my special hive memories in my today posts. These all special moments are near to my heart. I didn't hesitate to motivate any newbies to whom I've invited here. These are not Only motivational tools for newbies but also encouraging factors for me whenever I feel disappointed on hive due to some reasons. Anyway I'm enjoying the best moments of my life on hive. All thanks to Hive Creators for bringing this wonderful platform to us.

This post is my entry to Indiaunited Weekly Contest # 3. I shall like to invite my all friends on this contest for sharing their special moments on hive. I hope, you enjoyed my hive special moments. Thanks!

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