Focus only on important things.

Miyamoto Musashi says don't do anything that is useless.

At the beginning of the book, Musashi tells his disciple that neither do I have much strength in my hands, nor do my feet move very fast, yet I have remained undefeated throughout my life. Because I focus only on what is essential and discard all the other unnecessary things, that is my way.

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Friends, there is a goal, there is a way to reach it, it is our duty to walk on this path. Musashi says now keep removing whatever keeps you from this path. And keep doing this for the rest of your life. When you do this then you will know that for the sake of mastery you do not have to try to achieve anything, only you have to remove distractions.

Secondly Musashi says, all the answers are hidden in your focus.

Musashi says that there is nothing outside you, who can make you better, richer, wiser and faster. Musashi tells his beloved disciple that there are many styles and techniques of fighting, there are many ways of fighting, but you just concentrate your mind.

Friends, we are looking for shortcuts and tricks to win, the basic element of all of them i.e. focus is within us. Friends, the same happens with us too. We feel that this book is not good, another one should be brought. These notes are incomplete, try others but the problem does not go away with other notes also, Because no book is making you better.

What is your concentration level?

How are you reading that?

This is the only thing that makes you great. Be it pomodoro technique or general writing or visualization, all these things teach you to use concentration, imagination and will power better. Due to which mastery appears. So Musashi says, constantly improve meditation, imagination and alertness.

I would like to thank everyone who came to my blog and read till the end and supported me and encouraged me. 🙏🙏🙏❤

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